Telecommunication tower Schnaitsee

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Telecommunication tower Schnaitsee
Image of the object
Tower illuminated at night 2007
Basic data
Place: Schnaitsee district Garting
Country: Bavaria
Country: Germany
Altitude : 649  m above sea level NHN
Coordinates: 48 ° 4 ′ 58.6 "  N , 12 ° 21 ′ 49.7"  E
Use: Telecommunications tower
Accessibility: Transmission tower not open to the public
Tower data
Building materials : Concrete , reinforced concrete
Total height : 158.5  m
Data on the transmission system
Last modification (transmitter) : 2005
Waveband : FM transmitter
Send types: Cellular radio , directional radio
Position map
Telecommunication tower Schnaitsee (Bavaria)
Telecommunication tower Schnaitsee
Telecommunication tower Schnaitsee
Localization of Bavaria in Germany

The Schnaitsee telecommunications tower is a 158.5 meter high telecommunications tower that is not accessible to the public. It replaced a 115 m high steel framework mast.

Until 2005, the telecommunications tower in the Garting district served as the basic network transmitter for ZDF and Bavarian television and supplied large parts of Upper Bavaria.

The location hit the headlines after the erection of another transmitter mast with a 50 W mobile radio transmission system due to allegations from a farmer living in the immediate vicinity, among others, that he has had a very poor sleep and that his cows have produced less milk since they were put into operation. Critics of the facility attributed this to electrosmog caused by the transmitter .

Analog television

Until the switch to DVB-T , the following programs were broadcast in analogue PAL :

channel Frequency  
program ERP
Transmission diagram
round (ND) /
directional (D)
horizontal (H) /
vertical (V)
26th 511.25 ZDF 360 ND H
54 735.25 Bavarian television (Swabia / Old Bavaria) 500 ND H

Since then, television coverage has been ensured by the Wendelstein transmitter.

supporting documents

  1. The effects of electromagnetic fields from cell phone transmitters on the performance, health and behavior of farm animals. Retrieved July 19, 2020 .