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A pageant is a large civil parade, also called a defilee , that is carried out on certain occasions. A pageant or parade to kick off a festival is also called a move out .


Traditional salad fair parade in Schwalmstadt

Parades, parades and marches to celebrate victories or religious events have existed since ancient times . The victories of the Roman legions were often celebrated with triumphal procession . In the Middle Ages there was a more religious tendency.

The end of Lent was celebrated with processions on Maundy Thursday . From this the carnival developed . The Rose Monday procession is a holdover from this tradition. In Catholic areas the Maundy Thursday procession is still carried out. Riflemen marches can partly be traced back to old military traditions. The Landjäger, mainly armed peasants, marched out of the city to serve their rulers in the event of war. The relatives waved and celebrated the brave soldiers. In the middle of the 19th century, a few parades in historical costumes were added, as historicism made people more interested in the past.

Significant individual events were the Württemberger pageant in 1841 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the reign of King Wilhelm I of Württemberg and the historic pageant of 1880 to celebrate the completion of Cologne Cathedral .

Today the parades have a folk festival character. Religious or political backgrounds are rarely sought outside of the carnival.

Well-known representatives

Public parade for the 7th International Florian Day in Dresden

Well-known representatives of such parades are carnival parades , rifle marches and parades of the fire brigade on Florian Day. The longest parade in Europe is the approximately 10 kilometer long rifle march in Hanover with around 10,000 participants, over 100 national and international bands and around 60 floats and carriages. The march out takes place during the Schützenfest Hannover , which is the largest in the world. The most famous pageants are the Rose Monday parades in Cologne and Düsseldorf. Another well-known pageant is the costume parade during the Munich Oktoberfest .

Starting order at the pageant

The train number at the pageant provides information on the order (list) in which the associations move in their mode of transport. You can march, drive or ride a horse. Likewise, the passive pulling by tractors or draft animals sometimes occurs . Train numbers are always shown to at least one person who carries the train number on a flag or the like, if this is not attached to the front of the towing vehicle. The side train protection is carried out by law enforcement officers and traffic assistants.

Big historical parades in Switzerland

  • Parade for the Basel unification celebration in 1892
  • Pageant 800 years of Bern 1991
  • Fête des vignerons 1905, 1927, 1955, 1977, 1999
  • Sechseläuten Zurich , annually


Web links

Wiktionary: Pageant  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. - City Hall press releases - The fire brigades meet in Dresden
  2. ^ Heinrich Boos : Historisches Festbuch for the Basler Unification Celebration 1892. Basel 1892