Fiamma Nirenstein

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Fiamma Nirenstein (2008)

Fiamma Nirenstein (born December 18, 1945 in Florence ) is an Italian politician, political journalist , author , publicist and university lecturer.


Fiamma Nirenstein studied modern history. For several years she worked for the newspaper La Stampa as a Middle East correspondent. Then switched to the newspaper Il Giornale of the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi . In 2008 she was elected to parliament for the Il Popolo della Libertà (PdL) party and became deputy spokeswoman for the Foreign Affairs Committee. In 2011 she was elected chairman of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians. In 2015 she ran unsuccessfully in the board elections of the Jewish community in Rome.

As an author and publicist, she is particularly concerned with anti-Semitism , terrorism and hatred of Israel. She lived alternately in Israel (in Gilo , a Jerusalem neighborhood beyond the 67 borders) and Italy. In May 2013 she made Aliyah , d. that is, she immigrated to Israel and took Israeli citizenship. She is married to the Israeli photographer Ofer Eshed.

In August 2015, Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Nirenstein as Israeli ambassador to Italy. However, she did not take up this position for personal reasons.

Fonts (selection)

  • Il razzista democratico . Milan: Mondadori, 1992
  • Israelis: una pace in guerra . Bologna: Il Mulino, 1996
  • I musulmani: colloquio di Fiamma Nirenstein con Bernard Lewis . Rome: Liberal, [1999]
  • L'abbandono: come l'Occidente ha tradito gli ebrei . Milan: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 2003
  • Gli antisemiti progressisti: la forma nuova di un odio antico . Milan: Rizzoli, 2004
  • La rivoluzione democratica contro il terrorismo . Milan: Mondadori, 2005
  • La sabbia di Gaza: cronache di uno sgombero forzato . Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino, 2006
  • Israeli Siamo Noi . Milan: Rizzoli, 2007
  • A gerusalemme . Milan: Rizzoli, 2012
  • Il califfo e l'ayatollah: assedio al nostro mondo . Milan: Mondadori, 2015
  • Con tutta me stessa un'autobiografia . Florence: Giuntina, 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tobias Kühn: Israel's wife in Rome - Fiamma Nirenstein becomes the new ambassador to the Italian capital , Jüdische Allgemeine, August 12, 2015