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Ribbon model of the isoform Ficain A, according to PDB  4YYQ
other names

Ficin, Debricin, Higueroxyl delabarre

Available structural data : 4YYW , 4YYR , 4YYS , 4YYU , 4YYV

Mass / length primary structure 217 amino acids , 23,533 Da
Isoforms 4th
External IDs
Enzyme classification
EC, category cysteine ​​protease
Parent taxon Ficus carica

Ficain (synonym : Ficin, Debricin, Higueroxyl delabarre ) is an enzyme from the group of cysteine ​​proteases . It occurs in the milky sap of the real fig ( Ficus carica ) and Ficus glabrata .


Ficain is an endopeptidase . It occurs in four isoforms (A to D). It is inhibited by cystatin with a dissociation constant of 5 × 10 −14 . The pH optimum of ficain is pH 7. In vitro , ficain requires the addition of thiols .


Ficain is used to determine blood group antigens . It hydrolyzes the blood group antigens M, N, S, Duffy a and Duffy b. It also enhances the detection of antigens of the blood groups Rh, Kidd, Lewis, I and P1. Ficain is also used as a meat tenderizer .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ IE Liener, B. Friedenson: Ficin . In: Methods Enzymol . 19, 1970, pp. 261-273. doi : 10.1016 / 0076-6879 (70) 19020-3 .
  2. K. Brocklehurst, F. Willenbrock, E. Salih: Cysteine ​​proteinases . In: A. Neuberger, K. Brocklehurst (Eds.): New Comprehensive Biochemistry: Hydrolytic Enzymes . Elsevier, Amsterdam 1987, pp. 39-158.
  3. ^ A b Alan J. Barrett: Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes. Academic Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-123-82220-8 , p. 1878.