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The Fidei describes the area around the local communities Zemmer , Schleidweiler , Rodt , Preist and Orenhofen in Rhineland-Palatinate .


Location of Fidei

Karl E. Becker traces the name back to the concept of the family entails. In 1834, Count Edmund von Kesselstatt set up one on the parishes of the municipalities. According to Becker, the name Fidei was used as an abbreviation. According to another explanation, the term was formed from the word Vogtei - the districts belonged as a Vogtei to the St. Oeren Monastery in Trier .

Regional importance

Although the Fidei is in the area of ​​two districts or association communities, the term has survived to this day. It connects across administrative boundaries. Associations (e.g. horse lovers Fidei) or public buildings (e.g. Fidei-Halle Zemmer) bear the name. Fidei still plays a certain role in local patriotism . This was evident, for example, in the reorganization of the municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate. From 1968 there were repeated efforts to bring the individual places together as an administrative unit on the basis of Fidei.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl E. Becker: Speicher - Raum und Zeit, 1980
  3. ^ Karl E. Becker: Speicher - Raum und Zeit, 1980