Filippomaria Pontani

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Filippomaria Pontani (born March 10, 1976 in Castelfranco Veneto , Province of Treviso , Italy ) is an Italian classical philologist with a focus on Greek studies and translator from Modern Greek.

Pontani is the son of the classical philologist and Neo-Graecist Filippo Maria Pontani and the Byzantinist Anna Meschini Pontani (* 1949). From 1994 to 1998 he studied Classical Philology at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa , where he received his doctorate in 2002. Following various research grants and teaching at school and university, Pontani became Professor Associato at the University of Venice in 2006 . called. He also works as a translator of modern Greek literature into Italian.

Pontani works mainly on Greek literature, ancient Greek and Byzantine as well as modern Greek. Noteworthy are his edition of the scholias on Homer's Odyssey and his philological investigations into them, an edition of the Homer allegories of a pseudo-Heraclitus and the Greek poems of the Italian humanist Angelo Poliziano . He has translated authors such as Emmanouil Roidis , Kostas Karyotakis and Nasos Vaghenas from modern Greek .

Fonts (selection)

Monograph, editions and articles on classical philology

  • Angeli Politiani Liber epigrammatum Graecorum. A cura di FP Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Rome, 2002, excerpts online
  • Sguardi su Ulisse. La tradizione esegetica greca all'Odissea. Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Rome, 2005 (Sussidi eruditi, 63). Reviews by: René Nünlist , in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99, 2007, pp. 680–684; Emanuele Dettori, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.09.40 online
  • Eraclito, Questioni omeriche sulle allegorie di Omero in merito agli dèi. Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2005, ISBN 88-467-1202-1 . Review by: Camillo Neri, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006-11-09 online .
  • Scholia Graeca in Odysseam: 1. Scholia ad libros α – β. Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome, 2007 (Pleiadi, 6.1), ISBN 978-88-8498-446-3 , excerpts online .
  • Scholia Graeca in Odysseam: 2. Scholia ad libros γ – δ. Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome, 2010 (Pleiadi, 6.2).
  • Scholia Graeca in Odysseam: 3. Scholia ad libros ε – ζ. Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome, 2015 (Pleiadi, 6.3).
  • Scholia graeca in Odysseam, 4, Scholia ad libros η – θ. Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome, 2020 (Pleiadi, 6.4).
  • with Franco Ferrari: Alcaeus' grandfathers: A note on fr. 6, ll. 17-20 V. In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 113 (1996) 1–4, online (PDF; 69 kB)
  • The first word of Callimachus' Aitia. In: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 128 (1999) 57–59, online (PDF; 88 kB)

Translations of modern Greek literature

  • Immanuìl Roidis: La Papessa Giovanna. Milano, Crocetti 2003.
  • Kostas G. Kariotakis: L'ombra delle ore. Milano, Crocetti 2004.
  • Antologia della poesia greca contemporanea. Milano, Crocetti 2004.
  • Nasos Vaghenàs: Ballate oscure. Milano, Crocetti 2006.

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