Film Acting School Berlin

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The film acting school Berlin was founded in 2005. It is a private, state-approved drama school . The training at this institution includes training as a theater actor and a film and television actor.


The film acting school has been located on the former Reemtsma site in Berlin-Schmargendorf since July 1, 2016 . With the support of the owners, a cultural location was developed here in a very short time. There is a close cooperation with the Blackboxx - Theater in Mecklenburgische Strasse; Selected productions by students at the Berlin Film Acting School will be included in the theater's program.

The training lasts seven semesters over a period of three and a half years and is BAFöG- recognized. It offers in-depth acting training in the training areas

  • Breathing, voice and speaking lessons,
  • Body, dance and movement training,
  • Singing,
  • Film and theater theory,
  • Improvisation and acting lessons of various methods,
  • classical theater scene studies,
  • Scenic writing,
  • Video editing,
  • Filming as well
  • from the first year of training in film acting or camera acting and
  • Job description, marketing and casting training.

In connection with a ruling against the ZAV , the Federal Social Court confirmed in October 2017 that "the training ... at the private film acting school in Berlin is equivalent to the actor training at a state school".

The first graduates completed their training in May 2007.

The film acting school is a member of the Association of German-Speaking Private Drama Schools (VdpS).

Well-known students are Mustafa Alin , Tamer Arslan , Thelma Buabeng , Lena Ehlers , Johann Fohl , Anna Julia Kapfelsperger , Hanna Lütje , Marlon Putzke , Kai Fung Rieck, Michaela Schmid, Atina Tabé , Christina Tzatzaraki , Martin Walde , Renée Weibel and others. v. a. m.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Press release of the Federal Social Court 53/2017 of October 12, 2017 , archived link accessed on April 23, 2019
  2. Brief profiles of the members of the VdpS e. V. Retrieved February 26, 2018.
  3. Vita Johann Fohls on its website. Retrieved February 26, 2018.
  4. ^ Vita Kai Fung Riecks at the Berlin agency Seven. Retrieved February 26, 2018.
  5. Michaela Schmid's biography on her website. Retrieved February 26, 2018.