Flavius ​​Severianus

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Flavius ​​Severianus (with full name possibly Gaius or Marcus Flavius ​​Valerius Severianus ; † 313 ) was the son of the Roman emperor Severus . After the death of Galerius in 311 he fled from Licinius into the sphere of power of Maximinus Daia , who installed him as praeses of the province of Isauria . After the defeat by Licinius on April 30, 313, Severianus stayed at the court of Maximinus in Tarsus . When Maximinus died in August 313, Severianus may have tried to take his place as emperor. Licinius had him executed as a usurper on charges of high treason .




  1. See Cambi, Tetrarchic Practice , p. 43.
  2. See Feld, Barbarische Bürger , p. 88f.
  3. Cf. Städele, Der Tod Diokletian , p. 240. It is questionable whether Severianus was formally elevated to Caesar or co-regent before the death of Maximinus , since the emperor had his own son, who was, however, still in childhood.