Fly rod

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As a fly rod or fly rod one is fishing rod which, at the fishing with artificial fly is used. Compared to spinning rods , fly rods have, among other things, a more parabolic action, since with their help the heavy fly line is reached by »throwing« the desired distance between the fisherman and the usually feather-light fly.


Fly rods are divided into AFTMA classes (American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers' Association) according to the line classes that can be cast with the respective rod. There is also a division into one-handed and two-handed rods. The latter are preferably used for fishing for large and strong fish, such as the Atlantic salmon .


Fly rods are divided into three main components. Roll holder, handle and blank. Reel holders are often made of wood, aluminum or carbon and are used to fix the fly reel to the rod. The handle is usually made of cork, pressed cork or foam rubber. The blank is the third component. The rod rings through which the fly line slides during casting are attached to the blank.


Today's fly rods are mostly made of plastic that is reinforced with carbon fibers , occasionally glass fibers are also used, which are heavier and slower in action. Some fly fishermen fish with rods made of spliced ​​(split) bamboo (bamboo species Arundinaria amabilis , more recently Pseudosasa amabilis , which has a particularly pronounced proportion of so-called "strength fibers" in the outermost wall area), but these have a different, more natural action (bending curve) and require a correspondingly adapted throwing technique. Split rods made of bamboo are still being built today, and their actions certainly meet today's requirements of fly fishermen. Depending on the type of production, the bamboo used, the individual characteristics of individual manufacturers and the so-called "taper" used, ie the selected structure of the "taper" from the end to the tip, very specific rods are created for highly individual requirements and preferences . In recent years there has been an increased interest in split fly rods, not least because of the significantly higher intrinsic value of rods from well-known manufacturers.

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