Konrad Fleck

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Konrad Fleck was a medieval poet who wrote in the Alemannic dialect ; Little is known about his life. Rudolf von Ems mentions him in his verse novel “Willehalm von Orlens”, written around 1235, as a deceased poet. Konrad Fleck came from Alsace or the region around Basel .

According to Rudolf von Ems, he wrote the 8,006 verses of the poem "Flore und Blanscheflur" , which were written around 1220. The work has survived in four manuscripts , of which the two late manuscripts from the workshop of Diebold Lauber are complete. Rudolf von Ems also names Konrad Fleck as the author of a "Clies" (see Chrétiens de Troyes Cligès ), this work has been lost.

Konrad states that he wrote his “Flore und Blanscheflur” based on a French model, which he ascribes to a Ruopendet by Orbent ( “ez hât Ruopendet by Orbênt / getihtet in welschen / with rîmen ungevelschen / des ich in tiuschen willen hân” , v 142-145). Among the two surviving old French adaptations of the material Floire et Blancheflor , which are differentiated in research as “version populaire” and “version aristocratique” , his adaptation largely corresponds to the latter, which focuses on love instead of struggle and adventure .

History of the substance

The old French material had already been dealt with in German in a fragmentary and anonymous translation around 1170 ( "Trier Floyris" ). In the time after Konrad Fleck, but independently of him, a Dutch version of Diederic von Assenede ( “Flôris ende Blanceflor” ), a Low German one ( “Van Flosse un Blankflosse” ) and adaptations in English, Danish and Swedish were made. The Italian adaptation of Boccaccio's novel “Filocolo” , based on the popular books or prose versions in French (1485), German (1499) and Spanish (1512), as well as the comedy “Florio, the King's Son” then became decisive for the European tradition of the subject. (1545) go back by Hans Sachs .


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