Florencia Coll

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Florencia Coll , actually Florencia Coll Mirabent , (* 1959 in Sitges near Barcelona ) is a Catalan painter and draftsman , she lives in Sitges.


She studied art history at the Universitat de Barcelona from 1976–1981 , graduating with a Licenciada. 1978 commencement of artistic activity. 1981–82 courses at the Academy of Fine Arts St. Georg , Barcelona, ​​and 1986–87 at the Escola d'Arts Aplicades i Oficis Artistics, Llotja, Barcelona. 1982–87 she worked for Joan Bolet, the official restorer of the Catalan National Museum MNAC in Barcelona. Poster designs for official events in Sitges, e.g. for the Festa Major de Sitges and Centenari de les Festes Modernistes (1993), XIXº Cicle de concerets d'Estiu (1995), Festes de Santa Tecla (1998) and the Festa Major de Sitges (1999 ).

Exhibitions (selection)

1981, Pintura Valentí competition , Sant Pere de Ribes, Garraf; 1982, Ateneu de Sitges, Generalitat de Catalunya, Sitges; 1989, Pintura Joven , Sala Pares, Barcelona; 1992, Galeria Altarriba, Sitges, Garraf; 1994, Galeria Font de Querol, Sitges; 1996, Galeria Sussany, Vic, Bages; 1997, Sala Valenti, Sant Pere de Ribes, Garraf; 1999, The Women of Sitges , Foundation for Art and Culture, Bonn, under the auspices of the Spanish Embassy; 2003, ArteExpo Barcelona.


Florencia Coll. The women of Sitges , ed. v. Dieter Ronte . Exhibition cat. Foundation for Art and Culture, Bonn. Bonn: Verlag Köllen 1999

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