Continuation of Tietze's sentence

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The continuation set of Tietze ( English Tietze ( 's) extension theorem ), also called extension set of Tietze or as a set of Tietze-Urysohn called, is a set of the mathematical part area of the topology . He relates normal topological spaces with continuous continuations . The sentence was published in 1915 by Heinrich Tietze .

The theorem is a generalization of Urysohn's lemma and can be used in many cases, since all metric spaces and all compact Hausdorff spaces are normal.

Continuation of Tietze's sentence

A topological space is a normal space if and only if to each on a closed subset of defined, continuous functions

a continuous function

exists with , d. H. for everyone . The function is called the continuous continuation of .

This is a pure existence proposition. With a few exceptions, such a continuous continuation is not unambiguous. H. For a given function there can be more than one function with the desired property.

Stronger version

Tietze's continuation can be formulated in an even stronger version:

A topological space is then and only then a normal room if at any continuous mapping of the shape with a closed and one of intervals of existing product space is always a steady continuation exists.

The case is particularly important for the applications of the theorem .


In metric spaces , a continuation can be specified explicitly: Let it be closed and nonnegative. Then

a steady continuation of on whole .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Kelley: General topology. 1975, p. 176.
  2. ^ Patty: Foundations of Topology. 1993, p. 176.
  3. Jameson: Topology and normed spaces. 1974, p. 113.
  4. Rinow: Textbook of Topology. 1975, p. 170.
  5. a b Schubert: Topology. 1975, p. 83.