Katětov's interpolation theorem

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The interpolation set of Katětov ( English : Katětov's interpolation theorem ) is a theorem , which is the mathematical sub-area of topology attributable. It goes back to the Czech mathematician Miroslav Katětov and gives a generalization of Tietze's well-known continuation theorem .

Formulation of the sentence

The sentence can be formulated as follows:

Let a normal topological space be given .
Let two semi-continuous real-valued functions be given and it is assumed that it is above- semi-continuous , that it is below- semi-continuous and that the inequality always exists.
Then there is a continuous function which interpolates and ,
for which so pointwise the inequality


  • Katětov's interpolation theorem leads to the continuation of Tietzes as a consequence. For this purpose one shows the continuation theorem with the help of the interpolation theorem for continuous functions which map a closed subset of a normal topological space into the interval . Then - with known methods - one obtains the continuation theorem for all continuous functions that map a closed subset of a normal topological space according to or (more generally) into a product space consisting of real intervals .
  • In his work from 1951, Katětov made a mistake in deriving his interpolation theorem, which was corrected by Hing Tong in his work from 1952. In the English-language literature, the interpolation theorem is therefore often assigned to both authors mentioned and then - by Tomasz Kubiak (see below) - referred to as Katětov-Tong insertion theorem .
  • The interpolation theorem can also be derived with the help of Urysohn's lemma . Since Urysohn's lemma and Tietze's continuation theorem are essentially equivalent and since the interpolation theorem entails the continuation clause - as we have seen - all three theorems thus even turn out to be equivalent. As can be seen (not least on the basis of the works mentioned), these essentially mean that a normal room always has the functional properties claimed in the three theorems and that these characterize it.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c G. JO Jameson: Topology and Normed Spaces. 1974, pp. 120-123.
  2. So is a topological space in which any two disjoint closed sets by disjoint open neighborhoods are separated .
  3. With regard to the latter assumption, one says that the inequality exists point-wise or element-wise .
  4. Jameson, op. Cit., Pp. 113-115, 123.
  5. Horst Schubert: Topology. 1975, p. 78 ff
  6. This general version of the continuation clause is also called the Tietze-Urysohn theorem .
  7. Horst Schubert: Topology. 1975, pp. 76-83