Spring fatigue

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Under the spring fatigue is defined as a decreased motivation and fatigue that many people in the spring experience. This is not a disease , but a phenomenon caused by the change of seasons.


The symptoms usually appear from mid-March to mid-April and are different in people. The most common occurrences are tiredness (despite sufficient sleep time), sensitivity to the weather , dizziness , poor circulation , irritability, headache , sometimes aching limbs and listlessness.


The exact causes of spring fatigue are not yet fully understood. What is certain is that the hormonal balance plays a major role. In addition, it is difficult for the body to adjust to the new light and temperature conditions after the winter.

When the days get longer in spring, the body adjusts its hormonal balance, increased serotonin is released , but the production of melatonin is reduced. These changes put a lot of strain on the body; he reacts with a feeling of tiredness.

Furthermore, the temperatures usually fluctuate greatly during spring. When the temperature rises, blood pressure also falls due to the widening of the blood vessels in warm weather, which can also be tiring.


It is recommended not to give in to tiredness, but to spend a lot of time outdoors, moving around a lot and taking in daylight. Regular exercise is recommended for prevention.

However, if the symptoms persist and are not limited to the spring changeover, you should consult your doctor, because a multitude of other diseases (e.g. depression , hypothyroidism ) make themselves felt in a similar way.

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