Bar bubble

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Classification according to ICD-10
N32.8 Other specified diseases of the bladder
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Bar bladder ( trabecular bladder , (pseudo) diverticular bladder ) is a medical term. This describes a change in the urinary bladder that occurs when it is difficult to empty the urine . There is a bar-like thickening ( hypertrophy ) of the muscles , an irregular inner contour and probably also an increased occurrence of urinary bladder diverticula . In this state, the bladder is no longer fully capable of contraction .

Computed tomography of the pelvis. The urinary bladder filled with contrast agent can be seen in the middle. The urinary bladder wall is thickened and has several rounded protuberances (diverticula)

The bladder is particularly common in men, whose prostate enlarges with age and the urethra becomes pinched. Since this process takes place slowly over months and years, the urinary bladder has time to adjust to it by strengthening the muscles. This process is usually not noticed because it does not cause any pain and urination is only slightly slowed down. Only when other problems, such as residual urine formation and increased urinary tract infections or kidney congestion arise, does the underlying problem become visible and require treatment.

Other mechanisms that make it difficult to empty the bladder can also lead to a bladder bladder. It can also occur in women and even in children. Once the cause has been eliminated, it can also reverse itself.



See also

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