François-Albert Viallet

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François-Albert Viallet (Zen name Soji-Enku ), (born March 20, 1908 in Budapest , † May 17, 1977 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a philosopher , author and expert on Zen .

He was a Frenchman of Austrian-Italian origin. After studying in Paris , Rome and Vienna , he graduated as Dr. phil. and then worked for many years at magazines and radio stations . During the war he got into political captivity, was deported to Germany and fled from the Wuhlheide camp. In France he belonged to the resistance movement (Résistance) until the end of the war.

He had a long friendship with Teilhard de Chardin . After his death he wrote the first Teilhard biography and several critical works on Teilhard, translated into different languages. Further philosophical writings and literary works followed.

In Paris he was a student of the Zen master Taisen Deshimaru . During a stay in Japan he became a student of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi, was ordained a monk in the Zen monastery of Antai-ji and his Zen name Soji-Enku . He returned to Europe and gave lectures and courses on the spread of Soto Zen in France, Italy , Switzerland and above all in Germany , where he founded the Zendo Frankfurt am Main , which he directed until his sudden death in 1977.

Selection of his works

  • Between Alpha and Omega , Das Weltbild Teilhards de Chardin; 1958, Glock and Lutz, Nuremberg
  • Zen - Weg zum Andern , 1972, OW Barth Verlag, Weilheim, ISBN 3-87041-255-0 . (French original edition: Zen - l'autre Versant)
  • Zen texts , 1977, Zendo Frankfurt am Main
  • Back empty-handed , 1978, OW Barth Verlag

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