François de Ripert-Monclar

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Jean-Pierre-François Ripert de Monclar (* 1711 in Aix-en-Provence , † 1773 in Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt ) was a French magistrate.

François de Ripert-Monclar was the son of Gabrielle-Françoise d'Orsin Miraval and Pierre-François de Ripert-Monclar, a prosecutor general at the Parlement d'Aix . He has dealt with numerous issues of public law and developed eloquence in presenting his view.

He was consulted by Finance Minister Jean Baptiste de Machault d'Arnouville on administrative law issues. He was an opponent of the direct tax of the Vingtième and was involved in marriage litigation by Protestants and published about it. In 1732 he was appointed Procureur géneral au Parlement d'Aix. In 1768 he and Jean-Louis-Roger de Rochechouart were given the fiefdom of Comtat Venaissin .

In 1747 he married Catherine de Lisle. Her son Jules Claude Louis ended up on the guillotine on June 19, 1794 and the daughter was married to Jean-Joseph Spitalieri de Cessole from Nice .

1769 was him by Louis XV. bestowed the hereditary title of Marquis . From a position of Jansenism he was an opponent of the Jesuits and in 1762 published a commentary on the statutes of the Society of Jesus.

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Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Sanchez, Récits de la rue et de la ville: Aix-en-Provence , in Rives nord-méditerranéennes, Récit et toponymie, 21 June 2005
  2. JPF de Ripert-Monclar, Mémoire théologique et politique sur les mariages clandestins des protestants en France, 1750