Comtat Venaissin

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Coat of arms of the Comtat Venaissin

The Comtat Venaissin (Grafschaft Venaissin), usually just abbreviated as Comtat , is the name of a historical region around the city of Avignon in Provence in southern France . It roughly covered the area between the Rhone , Durance and Mont Ventoux . Avignon itself was never part of the Comtat and founded the County of Avignon . Venaissin was probably named after the bishopric Venasque . The capital was Pernes-les-Fontaines , which was replaced by Carpentras in 1320 .

Formation of the enclave

Map of the Comtat Venaissin

After the fall of the Kingdom of Arelat , Venaissin came first to the Counts of Provence and then for over two centuries to the Counts of Toulouse . In 1229, after the end of the Albigensian Wars , Raimund VII , Count of Poitiers and Toulouse, appointed his son-in-law Alfons of Poitiers as heir. When he died childless in 1271, the Venaissin fell to the Pope , who at that time still resided in Rome (only from 1309 in Avignon; see: Avignon Papacy ). This donation was confirmed by the French King Philip the Bold in 1274 .

The Venaissin under papal rule and its relationship to the Kingdom of France

Under Pope Clement V the Venaissin was raised to a county ( French : Comtat), Pope Clemens VI. In 1348 bought Avignon, which was surrounded by the Comtat, from Countess Johanna von Provence . The two counties together formed the united papal enclave ; Avignon ruled a vice-legate of the Pope, Venaissin a clergyman of a somewhat lower rank, who carried the title of rector . The residents of the enclave did not pay taxes and did not have to do military service, which made life in the Comtat more attractive than under the French crown .

Later French rulers repeatedly tried to annex the region during disputes with the Holy See . In 1663 , 1668 and from 1768 to 1774 French troops invaded the Comtat. During the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV. it was also subject to trade and customs restrictions; In 1734 the French king forbade the inhabitants of Venaissin to plant tobacco or to make indiennes (printed cotton fabrics with Indian patterns).

Period of the French Revolution and annexation by the Republic

Papal rule only ended with the French Revolution . There had been reform efforts since 1785. When unrest broke out in 1789, as in France, Pope Pius VI was asked . to convene the General Estates of Venaissin, which had last met in 1596; this happened after initial resistance by the Pope in April 1790. Various resolutions were passed that gave Venaissin a republican character (tax equality, abolition of professional privileges, judicial reforms), but at the same time the oath on the Pope was renewed when neighboring Avignon urged to join France. Venaissin also took on the deputy legate who had been driven out of Avignon. The armed conflict with Avignon broke out, which was brought to an end by the intervention of French troops. In 1791 the inhabitants opted for annexation to France in a plebiscite that was not authorized by the Pope .

Since 1793, the former Comtat together with the territories of Avignon and Orange , the Vaucluse department .

Until 1814, the Holy See is not formally recognized the result and also protested against the fact that the Congress of Vienna in the restoration of the Papal States , the question of its former southern French exclave not touched.

The Jewish community of the Comtat Venaissin

Jewish communities in the Rhone Valley are already known from Roman times . The Jews of Venaissin lived in a few, strictly closed streets (" carrieros " in Provencal language ) in the villages of Cavaillon , Carpentras and L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue as well as in Avignon and developed their own Jewish culture without direct reference to the Sephardic (south-western European ) or Ashkenazi (Central and Eastern European) Judaism. The expulsion of the Jews from France in 1394 did not affect the Abrahamites under the protection of the Pope, but discriminatory measures (yellow clothing, special taxes, forced sermons) were imposed on the residents. With their toleration, the "Jews of the Pope" served from the theological point of view the purpose of being witnesses ("testes") for the fate that awaited one if one closed oneself to Christianity. It was not until the French Revolution that the Jews were given equal status with the rest of the citizens of France and freedom of settlement .


  • Carol Iancu: Comtat Venaissin. In: Dan Diner (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture (EJGK). Volume 2: Co-Ha. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02502-9 , pp. 19-22.

Web links

Commons : Comtat Venaissin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence


  • H. Bouche, La Chorographie ou description de la Provence et l'histoire chronologique du mesme pays , T. I et II, Aix-en-Provence, 1664.
  • JP Papon, L'histoire générale de la Provence , T. I à IV, Paris, 1777-1786.
  • CF Achard, Dictionnaire de la Provence et du Comtat Venaissin, dédié à Mgr le Maréchal Prince de Beauvau, par une société de gens de lettres. Vocabulaire Provençal - François; François - Provençal , T. I et II, Marseille, 1785.
  • CF Achard, Description historique, géographique et topographique des villes, bourgs, villages et de la Provence hameaux ancienne et moderne, you Comté Venaissin, de la Principauté d'Orange, you Comté de Nice, etc . T. I et II, Aix-en-Provence, 1787-1788.
  • Ch. Cottier, Notes historiques concernant les Recteurs du ci-devant Comté Venaissin , Carpentras, 1808.
  • JF André, Histoire du gouvernement des Recteurs dans le Comtat , Carpentras, 1847.
  • J. Courtet, “Sur l'origine des mots Comtat Venaissin”, Revue archéologique , VIe année, Éd. Librairie Leleux, Paris, 1849.
  • J. Courtet, Dictionnaire géographique, géologique, historique, archéologique et biographique du département du Vaucluse , Avignon, 1876.
  • E. Bardinet, "De la condition civile des Juifs du Comtat Venaissin pendant le séjour des papes d'Avignon (1309-1376)", Revue Historique , 12, 1880.
  • E. Bardinet, «Les Juifs du Comtat Venaissin au Moyen Âge. Leur rôle économique et intellectuel », Revue Historique , 14, 1880.
  • J. Liabastre, Histoire de Carpentras, ancienne capitale du Comté-Venaissin , Carpentras, 1891.
  • J. Girard, Les États généraux du Comtat Venaissin depuis leur origine jusqu'à la fin du XVI , T. V et VI, Mémoires de l'Académie du Vaucluse, 1905–1906.
  • C. Faure, Études sur l'administration et l'histoire du Comtat Venaissin du XIII e au | XIV e siècles (1229 - 1417) , Paris-Avignon, 1909.
  • A. Brun, Le Comtat Venaissin, essai d'étymologie , Mémoire de l'Académie du Vaucluse, 2e série, T. XII, 1910.
  • A. Mossé, Histoire des juifs d'Avignon et du Comtat Venaissin , Paris, 1934.
  • F. Benoît, La Provence et le Comtat Venaissin , Paris, 1949.
  • Y. Burgues, "Les États provinciaux face à l'autorité pontificale dans Avignon et le Comtat Venaissin", Rencontres , 34, 1961.
  • J. Glénisson et Guillaume Mollat , L'administration des États de l'Église au XIV e , Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, 1964.
  • H. Dubled, "Les Juifs à Carpentras à partir du XIII e", Provence Historique , 19, 1969.
  • RH Bautier, et J. Sornay, Les sources de l'histoire économique et sociale du Moyen Âge: Provence, Comtat Venaissin, Dauphiné, États de la maison de Savoie , Tomes I à III, CNRS Paris, 1974.
  • Jean de Mey, Les monnaies du Comtat Venaissin , Éd. Maison Plat, Paris, 1975.
  • RL Mouliérac-Lamoureux, Le Comtat Venaissin pontifical , Institut vauclusien d'études rhodaniennes, 1977.
  • R. Pillorget, "Les monnaies comtadines (XIV e-XVII e siècles)", Rencontres numéro 118, 1980.
  • H. Dubled, Histoire du Comtat Venaissin , Carpentras, 1981.
  • R. Moulinas, Les Juifs du Pape en France , Paris, 1981.
  • R. Moulinas, Histoire de la Révolution d'Avignon , Ed. Aubanel, Coll. Les gens du Sud , Avignon, 1986.
  • J. Galas, sous la direction de, Les Carnets du Ventoux , Dossier: La Révolution dans le Comtat , p. 7 à 114, Éd. Alain Barthélemy, Avignon, July 1989.
  • L. Loubet, Carpentras et le Comtat Venaissin , coll. Monographies des villes et villages de France de Michel-Georges Micberth, 1990, réimp. édit. 1891, 14 X 20, br., 184 p. ISBN 2877602303 .
  • R. Moulinas, Les Juifs du Pape , Ed. Albin Michel, Coll. Présence du Judaïsme , Paris, 1992.
  • M. Zerner, Le cadastre, le pouvoir et la terre: le Comtat Venaissin pontifical au début du X e , Collection de l'École française de Rome, 174, 1993.
  • D. et C. Iancu, Les Juifs du Midi. Une histoire millénaire , Avignon, 1995.
  • P. Fournier, Eaux claires, eaux troubles dans le Comtat Venaissin, XVII e - XVIII e siècles , Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 1999.
  • Jean Chélini (sous la direction), Dictionnaire de la Provence et de la Côte d'Azur , Pays et Terres de France, Collection Jacques Marseille, Éd. Larousse, Paris, 2002, ISBN 2035751055 .
  • L. de Magny, directeur des Archives de la Noblesse, Armorial des Princes, Ducs, Marquis, Barons et COMTES ROMAINS en France créés de 1815 à 1989 et des Titres Pontificaux conférés en France par les Papes, souverains du Comtat Venaissin .