Françoise Verny

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Françoise Verny

Françoise Verny , née Delthi (born November 26, 1928 in Neuilly-sur-Seine , † December 14, 2004 in Paris ) was a French publisher .


Verny came from a family of doctors, studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) first philosophy , but quickly turned to journalism. She worked successively for the magazines Informations catholiques internationales , L'Écho de la mode , L'Express and Nouveau Candide .

Her professional activity began in 1964 at the book publisher Grasset , to which she remained loyal for eighteen years. In 1982 she moved to the Gallimard publishing house as assistant to the President and CEO Claude Gallimard . This change caused quite a stir in the industry. She stayed there for only four years, however, and in 1986 became the publishing and audiovisual development manager at Flammarion . She returned to Grasset for a short time in 1995 and then worked for the TV station M6 .

She was a practicing Catholic and is the author of several books on religion. She is buried in the Montparnasse cemetery .


During her career she developed close relationships with several writers, and appears in the work of some of them, e.g. B. Queen Zabo wears her features in Daniel Pennac's La Fée Carabine (1987, When Old Ladies Shoot ). Some characters resemble her in some of Jack-Alain Léger's novels .
