Francesco Cocco-Ortu

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Francesco Cocco-Ortu

Francesco Cocco-Ortu (born October 19, 1842 in Benetutti , Sassari province , † March 4, 1929 in Rome ) was a politician in the Kingdom of Italy who was a member of the Chamber of Deputies ( Camera dei deputati ) and was a minister several times.


Francesco Cocco-Ortu completed a law degree and then worked as a lawyer . On November 20, 1876, he became a member of the Chamber of Deputies ( Camera dei deputati ) for the first time and belonged to it from the 13th to the end of the 26th legislative period on January 25, 1924. As the successor to Gaetano Orrù, he was appointed mayor of Cagliari in 1882 and held this office until 1883, after which Saverio Conte was appointed his successor. In the Crispi I cabinet he served between February 12, 1888 and March 9, 1889 and in the subsequent Crispi II cabinet from March 9, 1889 to February 6, 1891, as Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Mercy, Justice and Religion (Sottosegretario di Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti) . In the 17th legislative period he was from November 27, 1892 to July 23, 1894 member of the Committee on Budget and Auditing (Commissione generale del bilancio e dei conti amministrativi) and belonged to this committee in the 20th legislative period between April 10 and on December 14, 1897 again.

In the Rudinì IV cabinet, Cocco-Ortu was Minister for Agriculture, Industry and Trade (Ministro dell'Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio) from December 14, 1897 to June 1, 1898 . He also acted between February 15, 1901 and November 3, 1903 as Minister for Grace, Justice and Religion (Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti) in the Zanardelli cabinet . On May 29, 1906, he again took over the post of Minister for Agriculture, Industry and Trade in the Giolitti III cabinet and held this position until December 11, 1909. In this capacity, he founded the Labor Inspectorate (Corpo degli Ispettori del Lavoro) in 1906 , which was set up to monitor the exploitation of labor, especially child labor .

After the end of the First World War , he was a member of the Committee on Budget and Auditing (Giunta generale del bilancio e dei conti consuntivi) from December 3, 1919 to April 7, 1921, as well as a member between December 3, 1919 and December 10, 1923 of the Interior Committee (Giunta per il regolamento interno) of the Chamber of Deputies. In addition, he also acted from March 19 to April 7, 1921 as Vice-President of the Parliamentary Committee to investigate the organization and function of the central administration (Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sull'ordinamento ed il funzionamento delle amministrazioni centrali) . After the March on Rome he voted on October 30, 1922 against the appointment of Benito Mussolini as Prime Minister . In November 1924 he joined the anti-fascist Unione Nazionale of Giovanni Amendola at.


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