Francesco Sansovino

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Francesco Sansovino

Francesco Sansovino , real name Francesco Tatti (* 1512 in Rome , † 1586 in Venice ) was an Italian scholar , poet and author .


Sansovino was a son of Jacopo Sansovino and lived most of his life in Venice. He was a very prolific poet and author of historical and philosophical writings. His works include “Del governo dei regni e delle repubbliche” (1561), a book about the forms of government in Italy and “Origini e fatti delle famiglie illustri d´Italia”, a description of Italy's leading cities and their noble families. His fourteen-volume “Venetia” (1581) was the first attempt to provide an overview of the art and architecture of this city (including the works of his father).

Romance studies knows him as the editor of five grammatical treatises: "Osseruationi della lingua volgare diuersi huomini illustri, cioe del Bembo, del Gabriello, del Fortunio, dell'Acarisio, et del Corso" (1562).


Del governo dei regni e delle repubbliche so antiche come moderne , 1578

Web links

Commons : Francesco Sansovino  - collection of images, videos and audio files