Frank Bremser

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Frank Bremser (born March 19, 1972 in Husum ) is a German radio presenter , singer and comedian .

His first experiences made Frank brakeman at Norddeutscher Rundfunk until then for moderation by the private radio station R.SH was discovered. Since the beginning of the 1990s he became known to a larger audience. Here he moderates the Frank Bremser Show every Saturday together with Katharina Nicolaisen. He is also successful as a comedian. He worked and works as a copywriter and speaker, among others, on the radio and stage programs Baumann & Clausen , Kaufhaus Patzig , Candidate Calls Chancellor , Bundestag Canteen , Clausens Kleiner Klugscheisser , Der Telefonschreck . He invented and coined the name Schleswig-Holstein as the 'most beautiful federal state in the world'. This synonym has been copied by many broadcasters for their broadcasting area throughout the Federal Republic of Germany.

In addition, Bremser produces commercial audio programs, such as several editions of the Sylt FM audio CD between 2002 and 2007.

Frank Bremser regularly writes a column in the Kiel district newspaper Unser Holtenau .

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