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FRANKIT franking imprint with advertising cliché, matrix code and plain text with the franking mark "Fee paid" (here for pre-sorted Infopost)

Frankit (in its own spelling FRANKIT ) is a digital franking technology from Deutsche Post AG (DPAG). It is linked to the introduction of digital franking machines including the necessary infrastructure at the manufacturers (allocation centers) and DPAG. The Frankit introductory program was started in April 2004 and was supported by DPAG with incentive measures.


Frankit franking machines are to gradually replace older franking machines with rotary printing. They work using digital printing technology - which is why DPAG is using the new term franking machine instead of the franking machine - and print a franking imprint with all relevant data (item number, franking machine model and number and franking type) encoded in a 36 × 36 DataMatrix code (2nd -D- barcode ). In addition, on the right there is a readable plain text with postage , date and an identity code. The Frankit imprint is affixed in blue on the mail item or on a self-adhesive franking strip. Each print is unique due to its individual security information. The space to the left of the matrix code can optionally be used for advertising or for additional letter services (e.g. additional barcode for registered mail ), which, in addition to the DPAG basic products, can also be franked with certain Frankit machines, so that the relatively complex affixing of the barcode label is completely unnecessary . The franking imprints are read by DPAG for the purpose of payment security and process control and security (routing).


Postage is charged today via a modem line with the manufacturer's allocation center. At the same time, security information and, if necessary, postage tables are transmitted to the franking machine. Every Frankit franking machine has a secured area in the form of a security module. Every machine model has to undergo extensive safety certifications by independent testing institutes.


The identity code in the plain text area next to the printed date contains information about the manufacturer, type and serial number of the franking machine.

The manufacturer ID is broken down as follows:

The following 2 digits provide information about the model of the respective machine manufacturer.

The last 6 characters represent the individual machine number in hexadecimal notation.

See also


  • Jürgen Olschimke: The new sender franking mark (Frankit). In: Philatelie und Postgeschichte 245. Philatelie magazine No. 324, June 2004, pp. 23–24.

Web links

Commons : Frankit  - collection of images, videos and audio files