Franz Götting

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Franz Götting (born August 3, 1905 in Menden , † May 5, 1973 in Wiesbaden ) was a German librarian.


Götting was the son of the businessman Wilhelm Götting and his wife Sophie, nee. Nolte. He studied German, English, folklore and philosophy in Münster and Vienna , received his doctorate in 1930 and passed the state examination in 1931. In 1934 he became a volunteer at the library of the Free German Hochstift in Frankfurt a. M. in the same year then library trainee at the City and University Library Frankfurt . After completing his training, he went back to the library of the Free German Hochstift as a research assistant, where he became a librarian in 1938.

In 1945, Götting moved to the Wiesbaden State Library as director , which was the only scientific library in the Rhine-Main region that had not been destroyed and, not least because of this, played an important role in the supply of literature by the four Hessian state libraries. Götting retired in 1970.

He was married to Maria, geb. Falter, and had four children.

Fonts (selection)

  • The hit Hugos von Trimberg: Studies on medieval ethics in post-courtly time , Münster in Westf .: Aschendorff 1932 (research on German language and poetry; 1).
  • Dorothea Stock, a German painter around 1800 . In: Goethe Calendar, Vol. 31 (1938), pp. 197-260.
  • Goethe's Grossoheim Johann Michael von Loen . In: Goethe Calendar, Vol. 32 (1939), pp. 175-217.
  • Chronicle of Goethe's life [revision], Wiesbaden: Insel-Verlag 1949.
  • Johann Heinrich Jung called Stilling . In: Nassauische Lebensbilder, Vol. 4, Wiesbaden: Verlag des Verein für Nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung 1950 (publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau; 10.4), pp. 75–91.
  • Goethe's father's library . In: Nassauische Annalen, Vol. 64 (1953), pp. 23-69.
  • Johann Isaac von Gerning . In: Nassauische Lebensbilder, Vol. 5, Wiesbaden: Verlag des Verein für Nassauische Altertumskunde und Geschichtsforschung 1955 (publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau; 10.5), pp. 114-131.
  • The Christ question in the friendship between Goethe and Lavater . In: Goethe: new series of the yearbook of the Goethe Society, Vol. 19 (1957), pp. 28–49.
  • together with Rupprecht Leppla: History of the Nassauische Landesbibliothek zu Wiesbaden and the institutions connected with it 1813-1914: Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the library on October 12, 1963, Wiesbaden: Historical Commission for Nassau 1963 (publications of the Historical Commission for Nassau; 15 ).
  • Ed. Together with Bernhard Gajek: Goethe's life and work in data and images , Frankfurt a. M .: Insel-Verlag 1966.
  • The Hessian State Library Wiesbaden . In: Regional libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany, Frankfurt a. M .: Klostermann 1971 (magazine for libraries and bibliography, special issue; 11), pp. 194–200.


  • Alexandra Habermann et al: Lexicon of German Scientific Librarians 1925–1980 , Klostermann, Frankfurt a. M. 1985, ISBN 3-465-01664-5 , pp. 94-95