Franz Heussner

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Franz Heussner (* 1842 in Hersfeld ; date of death unknown) was a German architect .

life and work

Franz Heussner studied architecture at the Polytechnic School in Hanover from 1872 . Among other things, he erected the following buildings there:

  • 1889:
    • Residential building Heinrichstrasse 22 ;
    • Residential building Bödekerstraße 96 ;
    • Residential building Hohenzollernstrasse 14
  • 1895: Tivoli (Königshalle), Königstrasse 1 .



  1. Deviating from this, the German National Library states the year of birth "1848" under the GND number

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Friedrich Lindau : Franz Heussner , in ders .: Hanover. Reconstruction and Destruction ... , pp. 257, 291, 325; Preview over google books
  2. a b Compare the information under the GND number of the DNB