Albert Jenny / catalog of works

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This is a catalog of works by the Swiss composer Albert Jenny . The catalog is designed according to the musical genres. Within the individual departments, the chronological order applies according to the established date (listed in round brackets) or approximately determined (given in square brackets). In addition to the genres listed in the table of contents, the Latin liturgical works section has again been arranged chronologically in the following order: Ordinarium missae, Proprium missae or Te Deum, motets. The numerous differences to earlier registers were not specifically mentioned. The holdings in the catalog raisonné published here by Max Lütolf from 1985 as part of the ZBS (Central Library Solothurn) have since been transferred to the special collection of the Central and University Library in Lucerne , where Albert Jenny's estate is centrally stored.

Vocal music

Choral music

Liturgical works

For mixed choir a cappella
  • Mass for 4st. according to A cappella choir (1935); 18 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus dei
Text: Iat. Ordinarium missae
Premiere: Solothurn (Kammerchor Solothurn), 1938, note: Ms. Part. (22 p.)
  • St. Nicholas Mass for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1946); 15 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus dei
Text: Iat. Ordinarium missae
WP: Solothurn (Kammerchor Solothurn), 1946, note: SMV 9 (1946)
  • Proprium SS. Trinitatis for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1955); 17 '
Introitus - Graduale / Alleluia - Offertory - Communio
Text: Iat. Proprium missae
WP: Schönenwerd (?) (Cäcilienverband Olten-Gösgen), 1956, note: Composition commissioned by the Cäcilienverband Olten-Gösgen. ECL 309 (1955)
  • Factus Est Repente , Motet for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1935)
Note: Ms. Part. (7 p.)
  • Et Audivi Vocem Magnam , motet for 4pcs. according to Choir a cappella (1939)
Note: SMV 17 (1949), record CT-64-29
  • Justorum Animae , (1) motet for 4 pcs . according to Choir a cappella [1942]
Note: Choir booklet 1942 for the Cäcilienverein des Kantons Aargau , Einsiedeln o. J., No. 20 (ECL MO 489), record FGL 25-4305
  • Reges Tharsis , motet for 4st. according to Choir a cappella [1942]
Note: "Choir booklet 1942 for the Cäcilienverein des Kantons Aargau", Einsiedeln o. J. 7 No. 15 (ECL MO 489)
  • Psallite Domino , motet for 7st. according to Choir (3-part women's and 4-part men's choir) a cappella (1943)
Note: Ms. Part. (3 pp.), Printed choir-St. o. O. and o. J.
  • Inveni David , motet for 4 st . according to Choir a cappella [1944]
Note: ECL MO 515 (no year), The Choir Guard. Monthly for Catholic Church Music , No. 10, 69th year, October 1944
  • Afferentur Regi Virgine , motet for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir (August 1950)
Note: Ms. Part. (2 pages), Ms. ZBS
  • Pange Lingua - Tantum Ergo , motet for 4pcs. according to Choir a cappella [1950]
Note: SMV 30 (1950)
  • Angelus Domini , motet for 4pcs. according to Choir a cappella [1953]
Note: Offertorials , No. 28
  • Deus Tu Convertens , Motet for 4st. according to Choir a cappella [1953]
Note: Offertorials , No. 2
  • Justorum Animae , (2) motet for 4 st . according to Choir a cappella [1953]
Note: Offertorials , No. 89, PVL 489 (1958)
  • Laetentur Caeli , motet for 4 st. according to Choir a cappella [1953]
Note: Offertorials , No. 5, PVL 405 (1958)
  • Sacris Solemnis , motet for 4 st. according to A cappella choir (1953)
Note: BT (1953), Ms. Part. (Negative copies, 2 pages); ZBS
  • Venite Filii, audite me , motet for 4 st. according to choir a cappella [1955]
Note: ECL 305 (1955)
  • Veritas Mea , motet for 4 st. according to A cappella choir [around 1956]
Note: ECL 395 (no year)
  • Caeli Regina In Terris Apparuit , motet for tenor solo and. 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1959)
Note: Ms. (mother copy, 3 pages); ZBS
  • Tantum Ergo , motet for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir [around 1959]
Note: ECL 514 (no year)
  • Tollite Portas , motet for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir [before 1960]
Note: From practice for practice , No. 45 (GVM)
  • Benedicite Gentes , motet for 4 st. according to A cappella choir [around 1960]
Note: ECL 561 (no year)
  • Veni Creator , motet for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir [around 1960]
Note: ECL 562 (no year)
  • Jubilate Deo , Motet for 4pcs. according to Choir a cappella [1961]
Note: ECL 593 (1961), record FGL 25-4305
For choir and organ or organ and instruments
  • Missa Dorica , for three male voices (tenor, baritone, bass) and organ (1938); 20 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Credo - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae
Premiere: Stans (Capuchins of the Stans and Solothurn Monasteries), 1938, note: HCZ GH 8460 (1939)
  • Missa Brevis , for combined upper and lower voices (soprano / tenor, alto / bass; can also be performed with two equal parts) and organ (1939); 18 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Credo - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae, premiere: Solothurn (District Caecilien Association), 1939, note: Composition commission from the District Caecilien Association Solothurn-Lebern-Kriegstetten. HCZ GH 8814 (1942)
  • Mass in honor of St. Charles Borromeo , for 4 hours. according to Choir and organ (1945); 22 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Credo - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae
Premiere: Lucerne (choir of St. Karl's Church), 1945, note: PVL 189 (part.), PVL 190–193 (St.), undated
Dedicated to the church choir St. Karl Luzern
  • Einsiedler festival mass , for solos, 4st. according to Choir and organ (1948); 30 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Credo - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae
WP: Einsiedeln (choir of the collegiate church), July 16, 1949, note: composition commission from the monastery of Einsiedeln, FPR 1507 (no year) organ and choir st. ZBS
  • Missa Octava , for soprano solo, 4st. according to Choir and organ (1966); 17 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae
Premiere: Radio Bern (Chamber Choir of Radio Bern), 1966, note: Commissioned by the Pro Helvetia Foundation
Ms. Part. (21 pp.), St. reproduced, Ms. copy ZBS
  • Proprium from the 4th Sunday after Pentecost , for 4st. according to Chor und Orge1 (1957); 13 '
    • Introit: Dominus illuminatio mea
    • Gradual - Alleluia: Propitius esto domine
    • Offertory Illumina oculos meos
    • Communio: Dominus firmamentum meum
Text: Latin Proprium missae
WP: Lucerne (Jesuit Church, choir of the Academy for School and Church Music), 1958
Note: Commissioned by the Church Music School Lucerne, Ms. Part. (17 p.) And St. ZBS, ECL 412 (1957)
  • German fair
s. AI1.d) "Choral movements about German song texts"
  • German Proprium ,
s. AI1.d) "Choral movements about German song texts"
  • Tantum Ergo , [1] Motet for 2 equal voices and organ (1939)
Note: Ms. Part. (2 pp.)
  • Et Introibo Ad Altare Dei , Motet for 4pcs. according to Choir and organ [around 1940]
Note: ECL 353 (MO 416, 1956)
Record FGL 25-4305
  • Lauda Anima Mea , motet for soprano solo, 4st. according to Choir and Organ (January 1949)
Note: VWC (1949), record CT- 64-29
  • Salve Regina , motet for 4pcs. according to Choir and organ (1952)
Note: BT (1953), Ms. Part. (Negative copy, 6 pages); ZBS
  • Ascendit Deus , motet for bass solo, 4pcs. according to Choir and organ (around 1958)
Note: Ms. Part. (4 pages): ZBS, PVL 433 (1958)
  • Domine Deus , motet for 4 st. according to Choir and organ (1958)
Note: Ms. Part. (5 p.), Ms. copy ZBS, also for 4 st. according to Choir, orchestra and organ (see A .I.1.c)
  • Immaculata Conceptio , motet for baritone solo, 4st. Male choir and organ (1959)
Note: Ms. Part ,. (4 p.), Ms. copy ZBS
  • Stella Splendida et Matutina , motet for 2 equal voices and organ (1959)
Note: Laudate Mariam , Fasc. I, Rome 1961: Appendice Musicale allegata aI "Bolletino Ceciliano" , April / May 1961 (LR)
  • Beata Magnificat , motet for soprano solo, 2 equal voices and organ (1959)
Note: Ms. Part. (7 p.) And choir part. (3 pages); ZBS, Laudate Mariam , Fasc. I, Roma 1961: Appendice Musicale allegata al “Bolletino Ceciliano” , April / May 1961 (LR), record FGL 25-4305
  • Dicit Dominus Petro , celebratory motet for 4pcs. according to Choir, 2 trumpets and organ (1980); 6 '
Text: Vigil mass for the feast of Peter and Paul
Premiere: Zurich (church choir of St. Peter and Paul), October 26, 1980, note: commissioned by the choir of St. Peter and
Paul, Zurich, Ms. Part. (8 p.), St. reproduced
  • Sanctus motet , for soprano solo, 4 st. according to Choir, 3 trombones and organ (1981); 4'30 "
Text: Latin text of the Ordinarium missae (incl. "Benedictus")
WP: Lucerne (Collegiate Church of St. Leodegar; Choir of the Music Academy), February 10, 1982
Note: Composition commissioned by the Lucerne School and Church Music Academy, Part. (7 pages), St. duplicated
For mixed choir and orchestra
  • Kyrie , for soprano solo, 4pcs. according to Choir and Orchestra (1934)
Text: Latin Ordinarium missae
Premiere: Cologne 1934, note: Examination at the University of Music in Cologne
Ms. Part. (16 p.), Ms. Part. (Pencil, 21 p.): "Spring 1934 (comp. May 6 - May 16; instrumentation: May 26 - June 3)"; ZBS
Ms. Orchestra-St. ZBS
Printed choir st. “Elsner'sche Druckerei Köln”, undated; ZBS
  • Mass in honor of St. Francis , for SoIi (soprano, bass), 4th. according to Choir, string orchestra and organ (1961); 19 '
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Benedictus - Agnus Dei
Text: Latin Ordinari um missae
WP: Solothurn (Choir of St. Urs Cathedral), 1961, note: Composition for the 25th anniversary of the bishopric from Bishop Franziscus von Streng
ECL 548 (Part. And St .; 1961); ZBS, record FGL 25-4305
  • Te Deum , for solos (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), 4st. according to Choir, orchestra and organ (1950); 20 '
Text: lat.
WP: Solothurn (Cäcilienverein der Stadt Solothurn), March 3, 1951, note: Ms. Part. (58 pages), HCZ GH 9700 (1951)
Orch.-Part. and St. at HCZ on loan; ZBS
  • Domine Deus , motet for 4 st. according to Choir, Orchestra and Organ (1958)
WP: Lucerne (Collegiate Church St. Leodegar; Municipal Concert Association Lucerne), October 1958, note: Ms. Part. (12 p.), Ms. Copy of ZBS
also for 4st. according to Choir and organ alone, (see AI1.b), dedicated to the Lucerne Municipal Concert Association
Choral movements on German song texts
  • Psalm 24 , To you I lift up my soul , for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1966); 7 ',
Text: KGB No. 11
WP: Lucerne (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar), 1966, note: ECL 621 I (part. And part .; 1966)
  • Psalm 94 , Come, let us shout out to the Lord for 4th. according to Choir and Organ (1966)
Text: KGB No. 52
Premiere: Lucerne (Choir of the Collegiate Church St. Leodegar), 1967, note: choir and organ part. (ECL 622, 1966)
  • Sixth song series , for community singing , alternating with choir (Schola) and choir (1966)
Kyrie: Lord and God have mercy
Gloria: God on high be praise and honor
Credo: We believe, God, that it is you
Sanctus: You are holy, great God
Agnus Dei: Christ, you Lamb of God
Text and melody: KGB No. 437-441, premiere: Luzern (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar), 1966
Note: output for 4 st. according to Choir and Organ (ECL, 620 I, 1966)
Edition for three equal voices (female or male choir) and organ (ECL 620 II, 1966)
  • Psalm 103 , Praise my soul, the Lord , for congregation singing alternating with choir (Schola) and choir (1967)
Text: KGB No. 280
Premiere: Lucerne (Choir of the Collegiate Church of St. Leodegar), 1967, note: choir and organ movements including key verse melodies and organ accompaniment
Edition for 4st. according to Choir and Organ (ECL 363 I, 1967)
Edition for three equal voices (female or male voices) and organ (ECL 636 II, 1967) see also AI1.e) Unison leading verses
  • Ninth song series , for community singing , alternating with choir (Schola) and choir (1967)
Moving in: Dearest Jesus, we are here
For the preparation of gifts: You have, O Lord, your life
For communion: O soul of Christ, sanctify me
In conclusion: Your grace, your power and your glory
Text and mel .: KGB No. 455-458, premiere: Luzern (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar), 1967, note: edition for 4st. according to Choir and Organ (ECL 639 I, 1967)
Edition for three equal voices (female or male choir) and organ (ECL 639 II, 1967)
  • German Proprium , for 4pcs. according to Choir, wind instruments and organ (also: organ alone or wind instruments alone), (1969); 17 '
Wind instruments alone: ​​2 wing ears. in B, 2 Trp. in B, 2 Hr. in Eb, 2 tenor horn or pos. in Bb, baritone or 3rd pos. in Bb, Eb and Bb bass as desired
Entrance: cheer the Lord all over the world
Intermediate song: Lord, our God, how wonderful
For the preparation of gifts: Praise, my soul, the Lord
for communion: prizes, tongue, the secret
Texts: KGB No. 724, 749, -, 530, UA: Baar (Kantonaler Caecilienverband des Kantons Zug), October 26, 1969, note: Composition commission of the Caecilienverband des Kanton Zug, VWH 1268 (1969)
  • Fifth song series , Gloria: AlI Ehre Dir, Gott in der Höh , for church singing and choir (1969)
Text and MeI .: KGB No. 432
WP: Lucerne (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar); 1969, note: edition for 4st. according to Choir and Organ (ECL 654, 1969)
The other movements in the song series are by Ernst Pfiffner , Guido Fässler and Stephan Simeon
  • German mass , for cantor (baritone or alto), 4 st. according to Choir and organ (1971); 22 '
Entry: Sing a new song to the Lord
Gloria: Glory to God on high
Intermediate song : Come, let's shout out to the Lord
Gift preparation: organ solo
Sanctus: holy, holy, holy
Agnus dei: Christ, you Lamb of God
Communion: Sing praises to our God
Thanksgiving hymn: Now thank everyone and bring honor
Texts: KGB No. 240, 348, 53, 360, 441, -, 757, UA: Horw (Kantonaler Cäcilienverband des Kanton Luzern), 1971, note: ECL 666 (1971)
  • Hymn set , for congregation singing and choir or alternating with choir (1973) Now we are welcome, Herre Christ
Text and mel .: KGB No. 68, premiere: Luzern (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar), 1974, note: edition for 4st. according to Choir and Organ (ECL 674, 1974)
  • Two hymn sets , for congregation singing and choir or alternating with choir (1973) God, honor to you in Himmelshöhn
Honor only to God on high
Text and Mel .: KGB No. 426 and no. 753, premiere: Luzern (choir of the collegiate church St. Leodegar), 1974, note: edition for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (ECL 675, 1974)
Unanimous leading verses
  • Leading verses to Psalm 103 , verses, 1 st. (1964), Text: KGB No. 11
Come on, Holy Spirit
Send out of your mind
God's love is poured out
Christ's body is the bread
Note: Ms. (reproduction, 1 s.) “Working group for a new KGB. KSch 6/11/1964 “; ZBS, ECL 363 I (1967)
s. also AI1.d) "Choral sentences about German song texts" under "Psalm 103"

Spiritual works

For a cappella choir
  • Three chants , for 4 st. Women's choir a cappella (1934); 10 '
Lawsuit (anonymous)
Advent song (Anonymous)
Everything that happens (Klabund)
Premiere: Solothurn (Cäcilienverein der Stadt Solothurn: Oratorio Choir) 1935
Note: Ms. Part. (7 p.)
Printed St. "Elsner'sche Druckerei, Cologne", 1934
  • My harf and psalter , motet for 4 st. according to Choir a cappella (1936)
Text: from Psalm 107
Note: Ms. Part. (4 pp.)
  • From the last things , choir suite for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1936); 20 '
The last day (folk song from Thuringia)
Near death (Oswald von Wolkenstein)
The Pilgrim (The One of Kolmas)
Prayer (Oswald von Wolkenstein)
Consolation (that of Kolmas)
WP: Regensburg (choir of the church music school Regensburg), 1936
Note: Ms. part. (20 p.)
Ms. St. ZBS
Revised version 1981: Ms. Part. (20 p.)
  • You rose blood, you lily fine , Marienlied for 4 st. Male choir a cappella (1940)
Text: Gottfried von Strassburg
WP: Stans (Capuchin Monastery), 1940
Note: Ms. part. (3 p.)
  • Laudes , for 4 st. according to Choir a cappella (November 5, 1949)
Yes, I want to be mute, sir (Walter Hauser)
Note: Ms. Part. (3 pages on 2 systems)
  • Lord, God, ällmächt'ger father , parish community, final choir for 4st. according to A cappella choir and congregation (around 1952)
Note: Ms. Part. (2 pages); ZBS
  • Processing , for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir, performed by A. Jenny (1952)
JS Bach: I am happy in you and welcome you
Note: SMV 48 (1952); ZBS
* JS Bach, for 4pcs. according to Choir a cappella suspended by A. Jenny (1952)
Let the children come to me
Jesus, your love wounds
Note: SMV 44 (1952); ZBS
* JS Bach, O baby Jesus sweet, O baby Jesus mild , for 4 pieces. according to Choir a cappella suspended by A. Jenny (1952)
Note: SMV 49 (1952); ZBS
  • THREE MOTETTES , for 4pcs. according to A cappella choir (1985)
Think in us, you Holy Spirit
Burn in us, you Holy Spirit
Work in us, you Holy Spirit
Texts: Alois Albrecht from "Not from Bread Alone"
Note: Ms. Part. (14 p.)
Commissioned by the church choir St. Wolfgang Hünenberg
For choir and organ
  • Christmas lullaby , for soprano solo, 4pcs. according to Choir and Piano or Organ (1939)
Let's say hello to the child
Text: from the canton of Schwyz
Note: SMV 4 (1948)
s. also AI2.c) under "Small Christmas Cantata"
(2nd movement) and AI I .1.a) under Christmas lullaby
  • Bridal vow, for 3st. Male choir and harmonium (organ) (1942)
Text: Reinhard Johannes Sorge
Note: Ms. Part. (5 p.)
For mixed choir and orchestra
  • Small Christmas cantata , about old Christmas carols for soprano solo, 4pcs. according to Choir, flute, strings and organ (1939); 18 '
O Savior tear open the heavens (KGB No. 33)
Let's say hello to the child (from the canton of Schwyz)
All the world jump and sing praises (?)
WP: Solothurn (chamber choir), 1940, note: Ms. Part. (15 p.) “Let's greet the child”, see also AI2.b) and AI I.1.a) under Christmas lullaby
  • To the Unknown God , oratorio for soprano, alto and baritone solo, 4 st. according to Choir, large orchestra and organ (1955/1956); approx. 87 '
Text: Herbert Meier (commissioned), WP: Solothurn (Cäcilienverein der Stadt Solothurn), November 18, 1956
Note: Composition for the 125th anniversary of the Cäcilienverein Solothurn
Ms. Part. (296 p.), Part. And St. self-published by the composer (on loan), Ms. copies
  • The song of the creation , oratorio for soprano and baritone solo, 4th. according to Choir and orchestra (1960); 25 '
Text: Psalm 103 after the translation by Romano Guardini
WP: Amsterdam (City Concert Association Lucerne), May 10th 1960,
Rem .: Commissioned by the City Concert Association of Lucerne for an exchange concert with the Amsterdam choir Zang na studie
Ms. Part. (125 pp.), KI.-A. and St. self-published by the composer (on loan)
  • I consecrate my creator , hymn for 4 st. according to Choir, string orchestra and organ (1965); 6 '
Text: Sr. Ethelred Steinacher
WP: Ingenbohl-Menzingen (choir and orchestra of the daughter institute), February 14, 1965, note: Ms. Kl. -A. (6 p.), St. reproduced
Ms. copy ZBS
  • Der Grosse Kreis , oratorio for soprano, alto and baritone solo, 4st. according to Choir, orchestra and organ (1972/73); 38 '
Text: Otto Feier (commissioned), WP: Lucerne (Municipal Concert Association), March 30, 1973
Note: Commissioned by the City Concert Association of Lucerne
Ms. Part. (137 pp.), Kl.-A. and St. self-published by the composer (on loan)
  • Spiritual triptych , cantata for 4 st. according to Choir, solo soprano, solo trumpet, organ and string orchestra (1982); 15 '
You are great, sir
But now I'm always with you (soprano solo)
Breathe in me, you holy spirit
Texts: 1st and 3rd movement: Augustine 2nd movement: Psalm 73,
WP: Ebikon (Catholic Church Choir), November 14, 1982, note: commissioned by the Ebikon Church Choir,
Ms. Part. (16 pp.), Class-A. (20 p.), St. reproduced
  • Hope for Peace , cantata for soprano solo, 4st. according to Choir, organ and strings (1983/84); 11'30 "
Text: Gospel of Matthew / Francis of Assisi
WP: Ettiswil (choir of the Lucerne Cantonal Teachers' College), May 6, 1984
Note: Ms. Part. (14 p.), Kl.-A. (18 p.), Choir and orchestral parts, reproduced

Secular works

For mixed a cappella choir
  • Mailied , for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1948), text: The beautiful May is coming (folk song text )
Note: SMV 15b (1948), 1 copy in ZBS contains an additional French text ( Réveil de la nature ) with the note: paroles françaises d'Alph. Vuichard, dédiées au Choeur mixed du cercle Romand de Soleure s. also AI3.c) and A.II.2.a)
  • Joy and pain , for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1949), text: Ewig von Beginn (Rudolf Hägni), note: SMV 27 (1949)
  • Requiem , for 4pcs. according to Chor a cappella (1949), text: Jetzt, da die flute des Herbsts (Rudolf Hägni), note: SMV 26 (1949)
  • Singer greeting , for 4st. according to Chor a cappella (May 1950), text: We sing you and us for joy (W. v. Rotz), note: Ms. (duplication, 1 p.); ZBS
  • Morning praise , small cantata for 4 pcs. according to A cappella choir (1959); 20 '
Still rests in the old foundation
The earth trembles there
O man you start the day
Let's greet the day
Text: HR Balmer-Basilius, WP: Zurich (Radio Zurich choir), 1959
Note: Composition commissioned by the Central Switzerland radio company HCZ GH 10 311 (1959), Ms. Part. Copy ZBS
  • Surrender , for 4st. according to Chor a cappella (1960), text: It changes what we see (Joseph von Eichendorff), note: HCZ 10 493 (1962). In memory of Elsbeth Dolinski-Spillmann and Berthie Peter-Suter , donated to the Cäcilienverein of the city of Solothurn by a close circle of friends
  • Stiftschor-Reiselied 1961, for 4st. according to Choir a cappella (1961), text: Who always at God's prices (UV Ineichen), WP: Vienna (Stiftschor zu St. Leodegar); 1961, note: Ms. (reproduced sheet)
  • Summer day , for 4h. according to Chor a cappella (1977), text: In the fireworks of drunken rays (Josefine Ulmi), note: Ms. Part. (4 pages), Dedicated to the Ebikon church choir, its director Guido Knüsel, and the St. Leodegar Abbey Choir, Lucerne, in memory of September 18, 1977
  • I hear it Vögeli pfyffe , folk song arrangement for 4 st. according to Choir a cappella (1984); 3 ', text: folk song from Gränichen.
WP: Cantonigros in Spain (Belcanto-Chor Ballwil), 1984, note: Ms. Part. (5 p.), St. duplicated
For mixed choir and orchestra
  • Life sayings ( reminder to be happy ), for 4st. according to Choir and strings (1948); 12 '
Man (Matthias Claudius)
Soul, throw away the grief (Johann Chr. Günther)
Let's be happy (Simon Dach)
Premiere: Solothurn (chamber choir), 1950, note: Ms. Part. (17 p.) And St.
  • Spring cantata, for 4pcs. according to Choir and string orchestra (1960); 12'20 "
From winter frost
May, the heart of the year
The nightingale leaves its sound
Texts: Robert Roberthin, Georg Phil. Harsdörffer, Simon Dach and Bartholomäus Hinr. Brockes
Premiere: Bern (Radio Bern: chamber choir and chamber ensemble; Walter Furrer), May 15, 1960. Note: Ms. Part. (36 p.), Record CTS 45
  • Singing and playing to perfection - the Conservatory's high broadcast , small cantata for the 20th anniversary of the Lucerne Conservatory in 1962, for 4 hours. according to Choir and small orchestra (1962); 15 '
1 FI., 1 Ob., 2 KIar., 1 Fg., 2 Hr., 1 Trp., V1.I, V1.II, Va., Vc., Kb.
Text: Johann Baptist Hilber, premiere: Lucerne (hall of the Lucerne Museum of Transport; graduates of the Lucerne Conservatory), 1962
Note: Ms. Part. (52 p.), St. reproduced, Ms. copies ZBS
For male choir a cappella
  • Transfigured autumn , for 4 hours. Male choir a cappella (around 1939)
Text: The year ends in a big way ( Georg Trakl )
Note: Ms. Part. (2 pp.)
  • Winter night , for 4 st. Male choir a cappella (around 1939)
Text: "The air is frozen in the cold" ( Nikolaus Lenau )
Note: Ms. Part. (2 pp.)
  • Night musicians , for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1946)
Text: Here we are poor fools ( Abraham a Santa Clara )
Note: HCZ 9240 (1946)
  • Over our dark journeys , for 4 hours. Male choir a cappella (1946)
Text: Emil Schibli
Note: HCZ 9504 (1948)
  • To the fatherland for 4 hours. Male choir a cappella (1948)
Text: I don't want to praise your fame (Emil Schibli)
Note: HCZ 9459 (1948)
  • Appeasement , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1948)
Text: The devil bring the whole world (Walter Dietiker)
Note: HCZ 9460 (1948)
  • Mailied , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1948)
Text: Beautiful May is here (folk song text )
Note: SMV 15a (1948)
s. also AI3.a) and A. II.2.a)
  • We Swiss , for 4 hours. Male choir a cappella (1949)
Text: We are still the old ones (Rudolf Hägni)
Note: HCZ 9343 (1952)
  • Vierwaldstättersee , for 4 st. Male choir a cappella (1956)
Text: The lake stretches comfortably (Rudolf Hägni)
Note: HCZ 10 153 (1956)
  • The song of songs , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1961)
There is a song of songs , text: KJ Spitta, 1st and 2nd verse
JB Hilber, 3rd verse
Note: ECL 545 (1961)
  • The morning , for 4h. Male choir a cappella (1964)
Text: Now bathe your eyes in blinding light (Otto Celebration)
Note: HCZ 10 610 (1964)
  • The time for baritone solo and 4st. Male choir a cappella (1965)
Text: Time doesn't go (Gottfried Keller)
Note: HCZ 10 622 (1965)
Ms. copy ZBS
  • Praise the Creator , for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1967)
Text: Maria Dutli-Rutishauser
Note: HCZ 10 743 (1967)
  • From a full jug [1], for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1969)
Text: I don't like being alone now (Otto Celebration)
Note: HCZ 10 858 (1969)
  • Car mobilization , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1973)
Text: drivers are part of the force (Eugen Roth)
Note: HCZ 11 OO2 (1973)
  • Ruada Croda , for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1973)
Text: Peder Cadotsch (Romance text)
Note: Part. (4 pp.), St. reproduced
  • Kulturpsalm , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1977)
Text: Lord, give us poor times again (Toni Schaller)
Note: Ms. Part. (10 p.), St. reproduced
  • Be happy for an hour for 4 hours . Male choir and soprano solo (1977)
Text: Emil Schibli
Note: HCZ 11 168 (1977)
  • Good advice for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1978)
Text: Saint Paul wrote to Timothy , free interpretation according to 1. Tim. 5.23, by Sepp Röthlin
Note: HCZ 11 218 (1979)
  • From a full jug l2l, for 4pcs. Male choir a cappella (1981)
Text: I don't like being alone now (Otto Celebration)
Note: New songs for male choir a cappella and with instruments , published by the Marylong Foundation for Folk Music
and Swiss Folklore, Zurich 1983, No. 4
  • The arc of life , for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1983)
Text: Do you draw your life bow (Otto celebration)
Note: Ms. Part. (3 pages)
  • Thanks to the men singing for 4st. Male choir a cappella (1984)
Text: Singing of our time (Eduard Bachmann)
WP: Zug (Casino; male choir Zug, March 16, 1985)
Note: Composition for the 150th anniversary of the Zug men's choir
Ms. Part. (2 pp.)
For male choir and instruments
  • Two cheerful chants , for 4 st. Male choir and saxophone (1965)
Pleasing error
Text: Eugen Roth, note: Ms. Part. (8 p.), St. duplicated, Ms. copy ZBS
  • May day , for 4 st. Male choir and instruments (1981)
Text: The day is full of fragrance (Maria Dutli-Rutishauser), note: New songs for male choir a cappella and with instruments , published by the Marylong Foundation for Folk Music and Swiss Folklore, Zurich 1983, No. 5
For other choirs and instruments
  • Song of the New Year's Eve , for two voices and piano or instruments (1941)
Text: Losed, you love, good Lüt! (P. Aurelian Roshardt)
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 52, pp. 1256f.
  • Mys Huesli , for two voices and piano (also string instruments) (1941)
Text: Mys Hüsli stoht deheime (Josef Reinhart)
Mel .: Edmund Wyss
Set: Albert Jenny
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 39, pp. 936f
  • I has ja eister gseid , for two voices and piano (1944)
Text: Magst gah so wiit as d'witt (song in Nidwalder dialect)
Note: Musikfreuden , 21st year 1944, No. 11, pp. 260f.
  • Vegetable market cantata , for 1-3st. Children's choir, piano and percussion (1945); Text: Rudolf Hägni, approx. 30 '
Song of the seller
Song of the buyer
Song of the cabbages
Song of potatoes
Song of the Tomatoes
Song of the Lettuce
Song of onions
Song of beans
Chanting between buyers and sellers
Song of peas
Song of the turnips
Chant of the quarreling market people
Alternating song of flower and Brussels sprouts
Song of flowers
Song of the peeling seller
Departure song of the buyer
Song of the street wipers
Premiere: Bremgarten (Joseph Iten), 1945, note: Part. And St. by Joseph Iten, from 1978 self-published by the composer, text booklet and Sing-St.:ZBS
  • The good goal , cantata for 3st. Women's choir and wind instruments (or piano or organ or strings) (1957); 12 '
Text: Martin Opitz, WP: Bern (Choir of the Marzili Seminar), 1957,
Note: MSB: M & S 658 (Kl.-A. and St.), 1957, Ms. Bläser-Part. (21 p.), Individual parts ZBS

Solo chants

Spiritual chants

With instruments
  • Two sonnets , for baritone and piano (1933); 10 '
Ex tenebris Descend, O Christ , Sonnet (while singing the 'Dies irae' in the Sistine Chapel)
No no sir not like that
Texts: Oscar Wilde, WP: Solothurn, 1934, Luzern, 1969,
Note: 1969 revised, Ms. Kl. -Part. (13 pp.), Ms. ZBS
  • From the sky up , 3st. Set for a voice (with flute or violin) and 2 violins (1942)
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 51, pp. 1220f.
  • Christmas lullaby , for voice and piano or organ (around 1948)
Let's say hello to the child , text: from the canton of Schwyz
Note: SMV 5 (no year), s. also AI2.b) under Christmas Lullaby and AI2.c) under Small Christmas Cantata (2nd movement)
  • Salve Regina, I greet you , for soprano solo and organ (1950)
Text: Oscar Eberle, note: Ms. (3 p.)
  • Christ Chants , for bass and piano (1954)
O the night (Herbert Meier)
Note: Ms. pencil sketch (4 pages) Fragment: of 4 planned chants, only the first one has been completed.
  • Three Latin chants for Holy Mass , for medium solo part, oboe d'amore (also oboe or violin) and organ (1982)
Gloria - Benedictus - Dona nobis pacem, text: lat. Ordinarium missae
WP: Lucerne (Jesuit Church; Clara Wirz, alto, Edwin Küttel, Oboe d'amore, Monika Henking , organ), September 26, 1982,
Rem .: Composition commission for “40 Years of the Academy for School and Church Music Lucerne”, Ms. Part. (16 p.)
  • Three chants , for medium voice, oboe (also oboe d'amore) and organ (1985); 9'15 "
That I should fear God (Angelus Silesius)
My soul sinks into silence (Else Lasker-Schüler)
O light born from the light (Martin Opitz)
Premiere: Lucerne (St. Josef Church; Clara Wirz), April 5, 1985, note: Ms. Part. (14 pages)
With orchestra
  • Four songs , for soprano and large orchestra (1973); Texts: Herbert Meier, 20 '
3 FI., 2 Ob. (2 Ob. Also Eng.-Hr.), 2 clar., 2 chassis, 4 Hr., 3 Trp., 3 Pos., Percussion, harp, glockenspiel, piano and str.
WP: Lucerne (International Music Festival Lucerne, Edith Mathis), August 29, 1973, note: Ms. Part. (47 p.), Ms, Kl.-A. (19 p.)

Secular chants

With instruments
  • Five songs , for high voice and piano (1930), texts: Joseph B. von Eichendorff
Spring greeting
Evening serenade
The silence
Spring net
The girl
Note: Ms. (19 p.)
  • Five songs , for high voice and piano (1931)
The Messenger (Joseph B. von Eichendorff)
Accident (Joseph B. von Eichendorff)
Heed (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Song (Gottfried August Bürger)
Souvenirs (Joseph B. von Eichendorff)
Note: Ms. (17 p.)
  • Four songs , for soprano and piano (1935), texts: Theodor Storm
It's a whisper in the night
Now be secret, tender and dear to me
Close both my eyes
Are you sleeping
Premiere: Cologne (broadcast), 1935, note: Ms. Kl. -Part. (12 p.)
  • Lieder , for high voice based on texts by CF Meyer and Olga Brand (1936), Verschollen
  • Three chants , for medium voice and piano, texts: Hermann Hesse
Alone (1939)
Autumn (1942)
The Wanderer to Death (1942)
Premiere: Winterthur (Musikkollegium Winterthur; Fritz Mack), 1944, note: Ms. Kl.-Part. (9 p.), “Autumn” and “The Wanderer to Death”: Ms. Copies, ZBS
  • Two songs from the “Grotesken des Faun” , for bass, cello and piano (1940), texts: Walter Dietiker
The proud worm
Premiere: Solothurn, 1942, note: Ms. part. (8 p.)
  • Three children's songs , for soprano, clarinet, viola and piano (1941), texts: Eduard Motschi
My little round boy
Child mouth
Ninna, nanna
Premiere: Solothurn (chamber orchestra concert), 1941, note: Ms. Part. (13 pp.)
  • Who wants to live the present times , for a voice and piano (1941), text and mel .: 17th century
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 22, see 532f.
  • Mailied , for a voice and 2 violins or 2 flutes (1942) The beautiful May is coming (folk song text)
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 20, s. 477, p. also AI3.a) and AI3.c)
  • Happy New Year , 3rd part for a voice (possibly with violin), 2nd part: flute or violin, 3rd part: violin (1942)
Text: An old New Year's song, Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 52, p. 1243
  • Young mother , for voice and piano (1942). Note: Ms. (3 p.)
  • Skilied , for voice and piano (1943) So gohnd mer continued with song and sound . Note: Musikfreuden , 20th year 1943, No. 7, pp. 164f
  • Two songs , for bass, horn and piano (1944), texts: Gottfried Keller
Cloudy weather
Sunday hunter
Premiere: Zurich (Radio-Studio Zurich), 1945, note: Ms. Part. (7 pages)
With orchestra
  • Three songs , for soprano and orchestra (1935/36); 16'30 "
2 FI., 2 Ob., Eng.-Hr .; 2 Sure., B. - Clear., 2 bruises, 2 Hr., Timpani, V1. I, VI. II, Va., Vc., Kb.
The Sandman (Georg von der Vring)
The Kummerberg (Georg von der Vring)
Sultry (Conrad Ferdinand Meyer)
Note: Ms. Part. (45 p.)
  • Liederkreis , Neun Gesänge for medium voice and string orchestra (1943); Texts: Emil Schibli, 31'30 "
Be happy
Muted string play
To the Creator
Premiere: Bern (Bern Chamber Orchestra), 1944, note: Ms. part. (58 p.), Ms. Kl.-A. (35 p.), St. ZBS
  • Suite of songs , for 4 voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and 8 instruments (1954)
Fl., Sure. in B and A, Fg., Mr. in F, V1. I / II, Va., Vc.
I've chosen myself
After grief, Freud soon comes
Adam and Eve thought of love
What wend we sing and raise
An early marriage
WP: Bern (Radio Studio, Albert Jenny), 1954, note: Ms. Sing. (8 p.) And Ms. instrumentalist.
Commissioned by Radio Studio Bern
  • Lyrical Suite , for medium voice, flute, clarinet, harp and string quartet (1978); 17 '
Look out (Toni Schaller)
Good spirits (Adolf Winiger)
Lullaby ( Hans Leopold Davi )
November (Josefine Ulmi)
Premiere: Lucerne (800th anniversary; Musica Lucernensis), September 28, 1978, note: Ms. Part. (25 pages) and St. Ms. Kl.-A. (22 p.)

Instrumental music

Orchestral music

  • Elegy , for solo cello and orchestra (1928), note: Ms. Part. (11 pp.); ZBS
  • Suite in four movements , for 12 wind instruments and percussion (1932); 16 '
2 FI., 2 ob., 2 clar., 2 chassis, 2 Hr., 1 Trp., 1 Pos. And percussion (small drum, cymbal, xylophone)
Premiere: Zurich (Radio Zurich; Hans Haug), 1935, note: Ms. Part. (61 p.), St. ZBS
  • Small Suite , for orchestra (1934); 16 '
1 bottle, 1 top, 2 clear., 1 box, 1 drop. (F), 1 pos., Pk. and St.
very quiet
Allegro con spirito
Premiere: Bern (Federal Orchestra Association), 1935, note: Ms. Part. (29 pp.)
  • Suite , for viola d'amore, string orchestra and basso continuo
by Louis-Toussaint Milandre, orchestrated by Albert Jenny
after Suite en ré pour Viole d'amour et clavecin , harmonisée par Alexandre Béon, Paris (Costallat & Cie) 1921; (1937)
Premiere: Bern (Radio Studio Bern; Solothurn Chamber Orchestra, Werner Bloch, Viola d'amore), December 19, 1937, note: Ms. Part.
  • Concert music , for cello and string orchestra (1938); 20 '
Lively and determined
Very broad and carried
Lively, with elegance
WP: Solothurn (Solothurn Chamber Orchestra, A. Tusa), 1939, note: Ms. Part. (49 p.), St. ZBS
  • Scherzo , for large orchestra (1938)
2 fl., 1 small fl., 2 ob., 2 clear., 2 Fag., 4 Hr., 3 Trp., 3 Pos., 1 Tuba, Percussion and Str.
Note: Ms. Part. (12 p.) Fragment: 239 bars, 72 of which are instrumented, the rest Kl. - Sketch
  • Scherzoso , for string orchestra (1939); 7 '
Note: Ms. Part. (11 p.), St. ZBS, record K 81/1 (Festival Strings Lucerne; Rudolf Baumgartner)
s. also C. incidental music under comedy overture
  • Concerto for oboe and string orchestra (1941); 17 '
Allegro non troppo
WP: Solothurn (chamber orchestra; Marcel Saillet oboe), 1942, note: Ms. Part. (37 p.), St. ZBS
  • Symphonic music , for large orchestra (1942); 20 '
2 large FI., 1 small. Fl., 2 Ob., 1 Eng.-Hr., 2 K1ar., 2 Bg., 4 Hr., 3 Trp., 3 Pos., 1 Bass tuba, Pk., Cymbal and Str.
Allegro / Allegro deciso
Premiere: Bern (Bernischer Orchesterverein; Walter Kägi), April 14, 1943, note: Ms. Part. (87 p.), Part. And St. ZBS
  • Suite for string orchestra , instrumental parts for the spiritual play Das Wunder (1947)
Intermezzo I
Intermezzo II
Choral Fantasy
Premiere: Solothurn (Solothurn Chamber Orchestra), 1948, note: Ms. Part. (18 p.), Ms. St. ZBS; s. also C. incidental music
  • Rhapsody for saxophone (Eb) and string orchestra (1950); 12 '
Allegro energico
Premiere: Lucerne (Orchestra of the General Music Society; Ernst Hans Beer, Hans Ackermann, Sax.), 1950
Note: Ms. Part. (13 p.) And St., s. also B.II.1 Chamber Music : Version for saxophone and piano
  • Serenade for orchestra (1962); 21 '
2 FI., 2 Ob., 2 Klar., Alto sax. (Es), .2 Fg., 4 Hr., 2 Trp., Drums and Str
Molto moderato / Poco allegro
Con molto moderato
Allegro non troppo
Premiere: Zurich (Orchestra of the Swiss Radio and Television Society), 1963
Note: Composition commissioned by Radio Basel, Ms. Part. (81 pages); Part. And St. at Radio Basel
  • Intrada for organ and string orchestra (1964); 9 '
Premiere: Lausanne (cathedral), 1964, note: Ms. Part. (10 p.), St. ZBS
  • Prelude for large orchestra (1978); 9 '
2 FI., 2 Ob., 2 Klar., 2 Fg., 4 Hr .; 2 Trp., 3 Pos., Pk., Drums and Str.
Grave / Allegro
WP: Lucerne (Orchestra of the General Music Society), note: Ms. Part. (37 pp.); Composition commission from the AML
  • Concertino for oboe solo and small wind orchestra (1980); 10 '
1 bottle, 3 clar., B.-Klar., Kb-Klar., Tenor-Sax., Trp., Hr., Pos., Euphonium and percussion
Instrumentation for small wind orchestra by Albert Benz (1980)
Allegro moderato
Allegro con spirito
WP: Luzern (Kunsthaus; Stadtmusik Luzern), June 27, 1981, note: Ms. Kl.-A. (16 p.)
also for oboe solo and piano (sBII.1. under dialogues )
  • Festive Fanfare , for wind instruments and percussion (1984); 2'30 "
4 Trp., 5 Hr., 4 Pos., 1 Tuba, Drums
Premiere: Zurich (Swiss Youth Orchestra), May 1984, note: Ms. Part. (Summary on 3 systems: 2 pages)
St. duplicated, dedicated to the Swiss Youth Orchestra and its founder and director Felix Hauswirth
  • Divertimento in three movements for flute, clarinet and strings (1986)
Premiere: May 12, 1987 in the Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne

Chamber music

For two instruments

  • Sonata in G minor , for violin and piano (December 25, 1927)
Not too fast
Slowly and deeply
Note: Ms. Kl. Part. (12 pages) and V1.-St. (4 pages); ZBS
  • Sonatina for violin and piano (1933); 14 '
Theme with variations
Allegro con spirito
Premiere: Bern (Radio-Studio), 1935, note: Ms. (26 p.)
  • Duo for oboe and bassoon (1936); 9 '
Premiere: Bern (Radio-Studio), (1937?), Note: Ms. Part. (7 pages)
  • Rhapsody for saxophone (Eb) and piano (1936); 12 '
Allegro energico
WP: Basel (Radio-Studio; Hans Ackermann, Sax.), 1942, note: Ms. (9 p.); Copy of ZBS
s. also B I. Orchestral music (version for saxophone and string orchestra)
  • Small suite for two recorders (1941)
Moderately fast
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 27., p. 652
  • Two pieces for two violins (1941)
# 1 Not fast
# 2 Pretty fast
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 18 p. 436f
  • Two pieces for violoncello and piano (1941)
# 1 romance
No. 2 dance
Note: joy of music , 18. Born in 1941, No. 34, pp. 820f
  • Little Spring Music for violin and piano (1942)
Quiet and tender, but lively
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 16, p. 380f
  • Sonata for violin and piano (1943); 16 '
Allegro con passione
Adagio mesto
Allegro molto e con spirito
Premiere: Zurich (radio studio), 1945, note: Ms. (33 p.)
  • Elegy for horn and piano (1944); 5 '
Very calm and expressive
WP: Solothurn (Chamber Choir Concerts), 1945, note: Ms. (4 pages)
  • Adagio and Allegro for oboe and piano (1949); 6'30 "
Rem .: Ms. (7 p.), Commissioned by the Swiss Tonkünstlerverein as a Primavista piece for the Concours International in Geneva
  • * Aria "for viola da gamba (or violoncello) and organ (1951); 5 '25"
Premiere: Winterthur, 1952, note: Ms. (5 pages), new version for violin and organ 1980
  • Ballad for violoncello and piano (1978); 5'30 "
Premiere: Lucerne (International Music Festival Lucerne; Markus Nikiyos and Grazia Wendling), August 28, 1978, note: Ms. (9 pages)
  • Dialogues for oboe solo and piano (1980); 10 '
Allegro moderato
Allegro con spirito
WP: Luzern (Schweizerhof; Edwin Küttel and Patrizio Mazzola), 1982, note: Ms. Kl.-Part. (16 p.)
also for oboe solo and small wind orchestra, (see BI under Concertino )

For three instruments

  • String trio for violin, viola and violoncello (1929); 17 '
Allegro moderato
Complainant / Fast and lively
Premiere: Solothurn (Fritz Hüsler, Max Kämpfert, Albert Jenny), 1930, note: Ms. Part. (55 p.), St. ZBS
  • Trio Spielmusik for 2 violins and viola (1936); 11 '
Premiere: Solothurn, 1936, note: Ms. (21 p.)
  • Waltz for 2 violins and piano (1937)
Premiere: Solothurn, 1937, note: Ms. Part. (7 pages)
  • HOUSE MUSIC No. 1, trio for violin, violoncello and piano (1942)
Allegro non troppo
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 39 (see 931ff.), No. 41 (P. 980f.) And No. 45 (P. 1074f.)
  • Small chamber music for flute, oboe and violin (1952); 8th'
Allegretto grazioso
Premiere: Zurich (Zurich Chamber Concerts), 1953, note: Ms. (14 p.)

For four instruments

  • String Quartet No. 1 , for 2 violins, viola and violoncello (1930)
Note: 1 sentence, without heading, Ms. Part. (22 p.); ZBS
  • Quartet for 2 violins, viola and cello (1930–1931)
Allegro moderato
Note: Ms. St. (V1. I lost; V1. II, Br., Vc.: 8 p. Each) ;, ZBS
  • String quartet for 2 violins, viola and violoncello (1932)
Allegro energico con passione
Note: Ms. Part. (19 p.)
  • String quartet for 2 violins, viola and violoncello (1940); 20 '
Allegro moderato
Adagio quasi recitativo
Allegro con spirito
Premiere: Winterthur (Winterthur String Quartet), 1941, note: Ms. Part. (42 p.)

Piano music

  • Sonatina for piano (1929/30)
Very calm / Tempo di valse
Note: Ms. (14 p.)
  • Two piano pieces (1931)
Note: Ms. (6 p.); Solothurn, April 1931
  • Gym. Matura March 1931 for piano (1931)
WP: Solothurn, 1931, note: Ms. (2 pages), dedicated to my class
  • Music for piano for the general exercises for women's gymnastics (1931)
Note: Ms. (7 p.); ZBS
  • Suite for piano (Frankfurt, March 10, 1932)
Very quiet
Very quickly
Note: Ms. (8 p.)
  • Three piano pieces (1932–1933)
Chorale prelude
Note: only 1 piece (Ms. 2 pages) survived; Cologne 1932-1933
  • Sonata for piano in one movement (1933); 9 '
Premiere: Cologne (Musikhochschule), 1934, note: Ms. (9 p.)
  • Two dance pieces for piano (Cologne, October 13-15, 1933)
Note: Ms. (4 p.)
  • Piano piece (1934)
Quiet neighborhood
Note: Ms. (1 p.); February 28, 1934
  • Album sheet (May 4, 1941)
Calm and soft
Note: Ms. (1 p.); May 4, 1941
  • Little March for Piano (1941)
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, no.15
  • Minuet for piano (1941)
Note: Musikfreuden , 18th year 1941, No. 43, p. 1021
  • Five Little Piano Pieces for Beginners (1942)
1. Cuckoo call
2. Bees' excursion
3. The lonely flower
4. After-work mood
5. Mosquito dance
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 25, p. 596f
  • Seven Little Piano Pieces (1942)
Quiet half
Graceful and lively
Strong and determined
Note: Ms. (17 pp.);
  • Two Ticino Waltzes * for piano or chromatic accordion (1942)
Note: Musikfreuden , 19th year 1942, No. 31, p. 740f
The second waltz (p. 741) was rewritten for Cf accordion by H. Zorn, Baden
  • Sarabande for piano (1943)
Note: Musikfreuden , 20th year 1943, No. 29, p. 689
  • Zwei Länders , for piano or chromatic accordion (1943)
Note: Musikfreuden , 20th year 1943, No. 18, p. 428f
  • Sonatina for piano (1952); 12 '
Premiere: Bern (Radio-Studio), 1953, note: Ms. (9 p.)

Organ music

  • Fantasia No. 1 in C minor for organ (1933); 8th'
Premiere: Aachen (Katholikentag; Albert Jenny), 1933, note: Ms. (11 p.)
  • Preludes and Trios for Organ (1933)
Note: Ms. missing
  • Fantasia No. 2 in E minor for organ (1936); 10 '
Note: Ms. (15 p.)
  • Dies Sanctificatus , chorale prelude (1940)
Note: ECL 531a (1960)
  • Tollite Portas Choral Prelude (1940)
Note: ECL 531b (1960), record FGL 25-4305 and FGL 17-4001
  • Praeludia (1945)
ad Asperges me
ad Vidi aquam (1942)
Note: Organum ad Asperges me et Vidi aquam , Lucerne-Leipzig 1945 (PVL 117: No. 12, 44, 53, 56, 98)
  • Hymn accompaniment for piano or organ (around 1948)
Now be welcome to us, Lord Christ
Text and Mel.: KGB No. 68, Note: SMV 6 (vocals and organ accompaniment; no year)
  • Song and chorale arrangements for organ (1955)
Song editing:
    • Come, Holy Spirit, very gracious
    • Spirit of truth
    • Come down on us, Holy Spirit
    • Come, oh come, you spirit of life
    • Fantasy on come, creator spirit
    • Now we ask the Holy Spirit
    • Trinity, eternal light
Choral arrangements:
    • Trio on the Pentecost Introit
    • Postlude on the sequence and communion of Pentecost
    • Postlude on the entrance to the Trinity
    • Postludium on the "Ite missa" of the XI. Mass (infra annum)
Note: The organ in the church year. New organ compositions for liturgical and extra-liturgical use , edited by F. Daniel, Volume V: Pfingstkreis, Luzern 1955 (ECL 271)
Record FGL 30-4304 Postludium on Ite missa est
  • Intrada for organ and string orchestra (1964)
Note: s. BI orchestral music
  • Prelude, Prelude, Interlude for Organ (1970)
Rem .: Contemporary organ music in church services , Volume IV, Zurich - London - New York (Edition Eulenburg) 1970, pp. 88, 135 and 140
  • Choral Preludes for Organ (1971)
Open the door
A ship is coming
Note: Choral preludes to the Catholic Church Hymns of Switzerland , Volume I, edited by Stephan Simeon, Lucerne 1971
  • Thirty preludes, interludes and aftermaths for church service and concert for organ (1980/81)
a) 15 free auditions
b) 15 song preludes:
    • A ship is coming
    • 'Follow me', says Christ our hero
    • Dearest of Jesus, what have you done wrong?
    • Who you have time in your hands
    • Lord and God have mercy
    • Dearest Jesus, we are here
    • You have, O Lord, your life / I want to praise the Lord
    • We sing praises to the father
    • Let us praise, brothers, give praise
    • Sun of righteousness
    • Now praise God in the high throne
    • Come, Savior of the world
    • Come and sing to the Lord
    • The Spirit of the Lord fills all
    • Come here, rejoice with us, come in
Note: Commissioned by the Aargau Association for Catholic Church Music
Preludes, interludes, and aftermaths for organ , Lucerne 1981 (ECL 695)

Brass music

  • Struthan , concert march (194I); 5 '
Premiere: Zurich (Kongresshaus), 1941, note: HCZ 8568 (1941) out of print, Direktions-St. ZBS
  • Sankt Jakobsbanner Jubilee March (1944); 4 '
Note: HCZ 9059 (1944; out of print)
  • Suite [I] for brass music , from Dornach battle celebrations 1499–1949 (1949)
Instrumentation: Franz Königshofer , note: s. also D. Festival
  • Suite [II] for brass music , from Die goldenig Melody (1950)
Instrumentation: Arnold Hammer
Note: s. also D. Festival
  • Suite [III] for brass music , from the music for the historical game of the Rotary Convention Lucerne (1957)
Instrumentation: Otto Zurmühle
Note: Ms. St. ZBS, ERA 1013 (1958)
s. also D. Festival
  • Suite [IV] for brass music , from "Solothurn Festival" (1964)
Instrumentation: Franz Königshofer
Note: s. also D. Festival

Incidental music

  • Der Vettergötti , folk song game in three acts (1931), text: Otto Wolf
Kl., 2 V1., Vc., Bassstrp., Klar.
Note: Ms. Kl.-A. Pencil and libretto; ZBS
Solo parts, choir, orchestra (2 FI., 1 Ob., 2 Hr., 2 Trp., 2 Pos., Piano and strings)
WP: Stans (Kollegium St. Fidelis), February 1938, note: Ms. Part. (195 pp.); Kl.-A. (111 p.)
Further performances: Einsiedeln 1950, Feldkirch 1957, Winterthur 1958
arranged for the school stage: 11 numbers (songs, duets, choirs, orchestral pieces) (1940)
WP: Stans (Kollegium St. Fidelis), February 1940, note: Ms. Kl.-A. (30 p.)
  • Comedy overture for string orchestra , to Joy of Life , folk song play in 3 acts by Josef Reinhard (1939); 6 '
Premiere: Zurich (Swiss National Exhibition 1939; Solothurn Chamber Orchestra), October 1939, note: Ms. Part. (11 pages)
See also BI orchestral music under Scherzoso
17 numbers for solos, choir and orchestra (1942)
WP: Stans (Kollegium St. Fidelis), February 1942, note: Ms. KI.-A. (37 p.)
  • Seven choirs for “ Antigone , for 4 st. according to Choir, wind instruments and percussion (1945): 30 '
2 Ob., 2 Hr., Fg. And drums
Ray of the sun
A lot is monstrous
Blessed are they who live
Eros, undefeated in strife
So did Danae's body
Name you
Any luck
Text: (Antigone) , translated by Emil Staiger
WP: Luzern (choir and instrumentalists of the International Music Festival Luzern), 1945
Note: Ms. Part. (49 p.)
Ms. St. ZBS
  • The miracle , instrumental movements for spiritual play on the occasion of the canonization of St. Brother Klaus by Silja Walter (1947)
Premiere: Solothurn, 1948, note: text, under the title The window in the cell , in Silja Walter, Gesammelte Spiele, Zurich 1963, 145-179
s. also BI orchestral music under suite for string orchestra


  • Durs Johr us , Festival for the Lucerne Cantonal Song Festival 1947 in Malters (1947), text: A. Brun
for solo voices, choir and brass music
WP: Malters, 1947, note: Ms. Part. (50 pp.)
  • Dornach battle celebrations 1499–1949 , music for the memorial game in Solothurn and the ceremony in Dornach, for choirs and wind orchestra (1949)
Text: Caesar von Arx
Premiere : Solothurn and Dornach, 1949, note: Dornacher Jubiläumsmarsch 1499–1949 , (SMV 25 h, Kl-.A., 1949); ZBS
s. also BV brass music under "Suite [I]"
  • Di goldig Melody , festival for the Lucerne Cantonal Music Festival in Hochdorf (1950), text: Oscar Eberle
for solos, choir and wind orchestra
Premiere: Hochdorf, 1950, note: Ms. Part. (61 p.), Various Ms. copies ZBS
s. also BV brass music under Suite [II]
  • Rotary Convention 1957: Folklore play , festival for the International Rotary Convention 1957 in Lucerne, Text: Oscar Eberle
for solos, choir and orchestra (21 numbers) (1957)
2 Fl., Ob., Eng.-Hr., 2 Klar., 2 Bg., 2 Hr., 2 Trp., 1 Pos., Drums and Str.
Premiere: Lucerne (Orchestra of the General Music Society Lucerne) 1957, note: Ms. Kl.-A. (31 p.), Ms. orchestral part. (110 pp. + 15 pp.)
Orchestral st. ZBS
  • Rotary Convention 1957: Historical game , music for historical game for soloists, choir and wind orchestra, (21 numbers) (1957)
Text: Oscar Eberle
WP: Luzern (Stadtmusik Luzern, Albert Jenny), 1957, note: Ms. Kl.-A. (29 p.)
s. also BV: brass music under suite [III]
  • Solothurn Festival for Solothurn Day at the Swiss National Exhibition in Lausanne (1964)
Text: Albin Fringeli
for solo voices, choir and wind orchestra
Premiere: Lausanne, July 3, 1964, note: Ms. Kl.-A. (68 p.)
See also BV brass music under Suite [IV]
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, program for Expo 64 in ZBS

List of abbreviations

B. -Clear. Bass clarinet
Note Remarks)
Br. viola
BT W. Bergmans, Tilburg
or. or / c'est-à-dire
CT Communauté de travail, Lausanne
CTS Communauté de travail, Lausanne, Suisse
ECL Edition Cron, Lucerne
EEA Edition Eulenburg, Adliswil
Closely. -Mr. English horn
ERA Publishing house Emil Ruh, Adliswil
Fg. bassoon
FGL Fonogesellschaft Luzern
Fl. flute
FPR Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg
GVM Gregorius-Verlag, Münster
according to mixed
HCZ Hug & Co., Zurich
Mr. horn
J. year
Kb. double bass
KGB Church hymn book, published on behalf of the Swiss bishops by the Association for the Publication of the Catholic Church Hymnal of Switzerland, Zug 1966
kl. small
Kl. piano
Kl.-A. Piano excerpt
Clear. clarinet
lat. Latin
LR Lourdiana, Rome
Mel. melody
Ms. manuscript
MSB Müller & Schade, Bern
"Joy of music" Supplements to “Der Schweizer Schüler”, an illustrated family weekly, book and art print shop “Union” AG, Solothurn
No. number
O. without
O. place
If. oboe
Org. organ
"Offertorials" Offertoriale sive Nova collectio 100 Offertoriorum… collegit et edidit Paulus Deschler. 100 offers for all Sundays and public holidays of the church year for mixed choir with and without organ, collected and edited by Paul Deschler, 2 volumes, Paulus-Verlag Luzern 1955
Part. score
Item trombone
PVL Paulus-Verlag GmbH, Lucerne-Leipzig
s. please refer
S. page
Sax. saxophone
SMV Solothurn Music Publishing House (Hans Leicht)
St. be right
-st. -voice
St. Strings
Trp. Trumpet
UA premiere
Va. viola
Vc. violoncello
Vl. violin
VWC Willi publishing house, Cham
VWH Verlag Wunderlin, Hochdorf
ZBS Central Library Solothurn, Bielstrasse 39, 4500 Solothurn *


  • Catalog raisonné Albert Jenny. Edited by Max Lütolf . Swiss Music Archive, 1985, pp. 23–86.

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