Franz Joseph Müller (politician)

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Franz Joseph Müller (born February 13, 1830 in Emmelhofen, a hamlet belonging to Bodnegg in today's Ravensburg district ; † May 26, 1908 in Ehingen ) was Stadtschultheiß (mayor) of Ehingen and a member of the German Reichstag .


Müller, his family name is written in the birth register of the Catholic parish Bodnegg Miller, is the son of Andreas Miller von Fenken, a farmer in Emmelhofen, and Franziska Miller, nee. Fisherman. Franz Joseph was the youngest of his mother's 5 children. In 1831 the von Emmelhofen family moved to the smaller hamlet of Reibeisen in the parish of Amtzell. In 1841 grater had a mill and a brickworks and 10 residents. In 1834 the father died.

Franz Joseph Müller married the landlord's daughter Veronika Manz in Ehingen in 1861, but she died when her first child was born. Müller then married Maria Kreszentia Manz, the sister of his late first wife, in 1863. In the same year he was elected as city school in Ehingen.

During Müller's tenure, significant new public buildings and facilities were built in Ehingen. B. 1869 Ehingen's connection to the railroad and the construction of a train station, from 1877 the public water supply network, 1883 the construction of a grammar school and 1886 a district hospital, 1871 the establishment of a “toddler school”. From 1879 he was a member of the German Reichstag for the constituency of Württemberg 15 (Blaubeuren-Ehingen) and the German Reich Party. In 1885 Müller received the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Order of Frederick for his services . After the death of his wife in 1888, one of his daughters took over the large household. At the end of 1905, due to his weakened health, Müller was forced to resign after 43 years of service. He died in 1908. In Ehingen a street named after him and a fountain remind of the former town school.

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Individual evidence

  1. Description of the Oberamt Wangen from 1841, page 241: [1]
  2. ^ A b Johannes Lang: Stadtschultheiß Franz Josef Müller, in "Remarkable Ehinger", self-published by Museumsverein Ehingen, 2014, pp. 77–82
  3. Biography of Joseph Mueller. In: Heinrich Best: database of the members of the Reichstag of the Empire 1867/71 to 1918 (Biorab - Kaiserreich)
  4. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Württemberg 1901, p. 84.