Franz Schmidt (botanist)

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Franz Schmidt (* 1751 in Austerlitz ; † 1834 ) was an Austrian gardener and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Schmidt ".

Schmidt learned to be a gardener in the garden of the Archbishop of Kremsier and traveled to France, England and the Netherlands from 1769 to 1773 with the support of Prince Kaunitz , whose court gardener he became in 1773 in Vienna. After Kaunitz's death, he remained in the service of his son Ernst Christoph von Kaunitz-Rietberg . After his death in 1797 he became professor of horticulture at the reopened Theresian Knight Academy, and he took over the management of his gardens, including a newly established arboretum. In 1807 he also became a teacher of botany for Crown Prince Ferdinand .

He is known for his illustrated book on Austria's trees, which appeared in three volumes from 1792 to 1800, with a fourth volume in 1822, the last part being published after Schmidt's death in 1839 (edited by Trattinik).


  • Austria's general arboriculture or illustrations of domestic and foreign trees, four volumes, Vienna 1792 to 1839

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