Franz Spohn

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Franz Spohn (born July 24, 1776 in Koblenz , † January 13, 1806 in Brno ) was a corporal in the 36th Infantry Regiment in the French Army under Napoléon I.


Franz Spohn was born on July 24th, 1776 in Koblenz and died on January 13th, 1806 in Brno from his 13 cut and stab wounds. He was a trained carpenter , but voluntarily served in the 36th Infantry Regiment of the French Army. His wife was Elisabeth Spohn (née Brohl). She bore him two sons and a daughter. One son was called Jacob Napoléon Spohn, the daughter Magarethe Napoléon Spohn. The name of the third son is unknown. All of them were named Napoléon because Napoléon I adopted all the children of those killed in the Battle of Austerlitz .


It is said that Napoleon rode to a guard post in the run-up to the Battle of Austerlitz to examine the situation. There he saw that the troops were approaching, and Corporal Spohn rode up to meet him and opened this news to Napoléon again. Spohn suggested they change clothes, and Napoleon accepted. They exchanged hat and coat. While Napoléon fled into the forest, Corporal Spohn rode to meet the Cossacks. They caught him and realized that he was not the real Napoléon. They knocked him down.

This legend is confirmed by a descendant. However, there is no evidence in any source that Napoléon I ever got into trouble at the Battle of Austerlitz.

However, the descendants of Spohn received a substantial pension for 127 years.


  • Wolfgang Schütz: Koblenz heads. People from the city's history - namesake for streets and squares. 2. revised u. exp. Ed. Publisher for advertising papers, Mülheim-Kärlich 2005.
  • Walter Degen: Koblenz and the French. Gymnasium-Verlag, Koblenz 2001, ISBN 3-00-008384-7 .
  • Federal Agency for Civic Education: Highlights of World History. , Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 1992.
  • Willi Winkler : One-day heroes (2): Friedrich Staps. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. January 31 / February 1, 2009, page VI.