Franz Staudt

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Franz Staudt (born September 5, 1946 in Kirchdorf am Haunpold ) is a German pediatrician and for many years chief physician and medical director of the Children's Clinic Third Order Passau.


Franz Staudt grew up with eight siblings, his mother worked as a pediatrician, the father worked as a general practitioner, surgeon and delivery assistant. After graduating from high school, Staudt did military service in Mittenwald and then studied medicine in Munich . There he soon became interested in paediatrics, especially the pediatric electroencephalogram (EEG). In 1974 he received his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich with a thesis on "Normative data of the electroencephalogram in children" . His habilitation with the title “Seizures in premature infants and newborns - examinations on the significance of the EEG compared to imaging procedures (CT scan and echoencephalography)” followed in 1986. In 1992 Staudt was appointed adjunct professor at the Technical University of Munich.

After further training as a pediatrician at the University Children's Clinic in Freiburg, he spent a year as a DFG scholarship holder in the USA (University Children's Clinics in Portland / Oregon and San Diego / California) in 1979/80 , where he dealt with neonatal neurology (newborn EEG and skull sonography) . He was then senior physician at the St. Hedwig Children's Hospital in Freiburg and came to Passau in 1986 via the Children's Clinic of the Technical University of Munich , where he assumed the position of chief physician at the Children's Clinic of the Third Order. Here, the connection to the Passau Clinic as a specialist care hospital, including a perinatal center for the care of premature and newborn babies , was particularly important to him . The same applies to the establishment of a social pediatric center as well as to the expansion of the neuropediatrics focus with special attention to epileptology and the establishment of a psychosomatic unit with the development of a concept for the whole of Bavaria. In 2011 Staudt retired as Chief Physician and Medical Director of the Third Order Children's Clinic.

From 2012 to 2015 he completed the master's degree in "Ethics" at the Munich University of Philosophy . He wrote his master's thesis on the subject of "Ethics in Child and Adolescent Medicine".

Staudt was a long-time member of the board and in 1999/2000 first chairman of the Federal Association of Leading Pediatricians and Pediatric Surgeons in Germany (VLKKD). From 1996 to 2011 he was also the first chairman of the VLKKD regional association of Bavaria.


  • Franz Staudt (Ed.): Children's EEG. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2014
  • Franz Staudt: Ethics in Child and Adolescent Medicine. Akademiker Verlag 2016
  • Franz Staudt, Eberhard Schockenhoff (ed.): Ethics in medicine. Publication of the Cadenabbia Academy of previous scholarship holders of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung eV, Freiburg 2016, available here
  • Siegfried Bühner: Modern Medicine: Ethics or Business? Report on a lecture at the Friends of the Tutzing Academy in Weiden, February 20, 2018, available here
  • Franz Staudt: Ethical Aspects of Prenatal Interventions. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2018; 115 (25): 1211-1214, available here
  • Franz Staudt: Economics in Medicine - Ethical Aspects, lecture at the 52nd International Easter Seminar Congress for Pediatric Further Education, Brixen, April 17, 2019


  • CV of Prof. Dr. Franz Staudt
  • Thomas Seider: 250 paediatricians meet to say goodbye to Prof. Staudt. In: Passauer Neue Presse from August 25, 2011 (p. 21)
  • Sandra Hiendl: "I will always remain a pediatrician." In: Passauer Neue Presse from September 17, 2011 (p. 21)

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