Franz Vettel

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Franz Vettel in Hadmersleben, 1951

Franz Vettel (born February 9, 1894 in Heppenheim , † July 13, 1965 in Wernigerode ) was a German farmer and plant breeder.


He grew up as a farmer's son in a large family. After attending secondary school, Franz Vettel completed an agricultural traineeship. In 1914 he was called up for military service, from which he was discharged at the end of the First World War. From 1919 Franz Vettel studied agricultural science at the University of Halle-Wittenberg . In 1921 he got a position as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Arable and Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding with Theodor Roemer .

From 1926, Franz Vettel was in charge of seed cultivation at Hadmersleben Monastery at the Heine company. In 1945 he was interned in the Soviet Union, from which he was only released in 1948. In 1952 Franz Vettel became head of the research center for grain breeding at Hadmersleben Monastery. Due to his negative attitude towards the construction of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, he was dismissed as head of the institute. He then retired at the end of 1961. He spent his old age in the district town of Wernigerode am Harz.

Franz Vettel was a member of the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Berlin .


Franz Vettel was a successful seed breeder who owes several new varieties of cultivated wheat and barley as well as measures to improve grain yield management.



  • Prof. Dr. hc Franz Vettel 65 years old. In: Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft 10, 1959, p. 153.
  • Walter Hoffmann: Franz Vettel . In: Zeitschrift für Pflanzenenzüchtung 55, 1966, pp. 95-99
  • Wolfgang Porsche : Franz Vettel (1894–1965), a passionate grain breeder in the Magdeburg Börde . In: Lectures for Plant Breeding , 1998, H. 40, pp. 107-115.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Porsche: Franz Vettel. In: Magdeburg Biographies