Franz Zürn (agronomist)

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Franz Zürn (born August 8, 1909 in Heßlingshof , zu Schöntal , † October 24, 1972 in Munich ) was a German grassland and forage scientist.


Zürn, son of a long-established farming family in Baden, studied agriculture in Hohenheim from 1932 to 1935 and then went on to work as an assistant at the business research center for grassland management at the University of Leipzig . There he received his doctorate in 1939 with the dissertation The production of starch values ​​in the smaller administrative districts of the German Reich, with a special focus on feed production .

In 1940 Zürn took over the department for alpine farming and forage production at the newly founded institute for grassland management of the Reich Research Institute for Alpine Agriculture in Admont (Styria). Although this research institute was restructured by the Austrian government after the Second World War, Zürn was able to continue his work in the field of grassland research here until 1953.

From autumn 1953 Zürn worked at the teaching and research institute for the promotion of grassland management and field forage production in Steinach near Straubing. From 1961 until his death he was director of this institute. As early as 1956, he had completed his habilitation at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna with a thesis on borst grass and received the license to teach “Special crop cultivation with special attention to grassland management”. Since then he has given lectures on grassland management in Vienna. In 1963 he was appointed associate professor.

Zürn published over 70 articles, treatises and writings on grassland management and forage production . He presented the most important results of his research work in Admont and Steinach in the book Neuzeitliche Düngung des Grünlandes , published in 1968 . Ways to increase yields on pastures, meadows and in field forage cultivation summarized.

Since 1932 he was a member of the Catholic student association KDSt.V. Carolingia Hohenheim.


  • with Richard Geith: The performance of the German pastures and the sustainable improvement of their yields. Reichsnährstandsverlag, Berlin 1941 ( reports on agriculture. NF special issue 152).
  • Advice on modern grassland management. Brief instructions for increasing yields on meadows and pastures. Bohmann, Vienna, Heidelberg 1951.
  • Means and ways to increase the alpine yield. Twelve-year investigations on bristle grass areas. Springer, Vienna 1953 ( publications of the Federal Agency for Alpine Agriculture in Admont. No. 7).
  • To the problem of soil investigation on the grassland. In: Journal for Arable and Plant Cultivation. Vol. 122, 1965, pp. 65-78.
  • Modern fertilization of grassland. Ways to increase yield on pastures, meadows and in field forage cultivation. DLG, Frankfurt am Main 1968.


  • Franz Zürn 60 years old. In: Communications from the German Agricultural Society. Vol. 84, 1969, pp. 1021-1022.
  • His life's work: the grassland. On the death of Prof. Dr. Franz Zürn (Steinach). In: Straubinger Tageblatt. October 27, 1972 (with picture).

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Individual evidence

  1. Proven in the catalog of DNB 579573753 .