Fred Hawthorn

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Fred Hermann Hagedorn (born September 17, 1875 in New York ; † September 16, 1940 in Heikendorf ) was a German administrative lawyer and ministerial official.


Hagedorn studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . In 1896 he became a member of the Corps Bremensia . After the exams and traineeship training, he joined the internal administration of Prussia. First he worked as a government assessor in the Prussian Ministry of Commerce. In 1910 he became district administrator of the Schleswig district . In 1916 he moved to the Prussian Ministry of the Interior and in 1917 was appointed State Commissioner to the President of the War Food Office. From 1920 to 1922 he was State Secretary, Deputy Prussian State Commissioner for People's Nutrition. In 1923 he became State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture . In 1926 his position was put up for discussion.

Hagedorn had acquired the Schrevenborn estate near Kiel in 1917 , which he managed after his retirement. From 1928 he was director and board member of the Deutsche Mühlenvereinigung AG and a member of the German Agricultural Society . He sat on the supervisory boards of several milling companies.

Hagedorn was married to Marie Clara, née Finkler (born February 13, 1885 in Bonn; † July 21, 1966 in Schrevenborn). His wife was a daughter of the physician Dittmar Finkler and his wife Karoline, nee König. The general landscape director Jürgen Hagedorn emerged from Hagedorn's marriage.


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 39 , 980
  2. Harro Grotsch: Hagedorn, Jürgen. in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck. Volume 8. Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1987, p. 169.