Freedom Research Foundation

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The Freedom Research Foundation is a foundation in California founded by Jack Wheeler in 1984 . She is involved in the publication of the monthly magazine Freedom Fighter .

She supported the Reagan Doctrine , according to which the goal of foreign policy should be to combat Soviet expansion by supporting groups in Angola , Nicaragua , Cambodia , etc. In addition to the KPNLF , these included RENAMO and UNITA .

The board of directors included Wheeler Alex Alexiev and Mike Kelly. Alexiev was with the US Air Force in human resources management in the early 1980s . Kelly was an associate of Republican Senators Bill Armstrong and John Tower . The foundation and Wheeler succeeded in helping Ronald Reagan to provide military support to the mujahideen against the will of the CIA .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jack Colhoun: On the side of Pol Pot: US supports Khmer Rouge. In: CovertAction, number 34, 1990 ( online ; PDF; 340 kB)
  2. Russ Bellant, Political Research Associates: The Coors connection: how Coors family philanthropy undermines democratic pluralism. 1991 ( here in the google book search)
  3. Fred Barnes: Withdrawal from Afghanistan - The Background. In: Readers Digest, January 1, 1989 ( online ( Memento from March 9, 2014 in the Internet Archive ); PDF; 1.0 MB)