Freiburg city law

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The Freiburg city law of 1520 was a work of legal reception and a model for numerous other legal revisions in the following period.

The author was the scholar and city clerk of Freiburg im Breisgau , Ulrich Zasius , who received the order from the city: "To put into order the customs, statutes and law of the city using imperial and written rights." Ulrich Zasius succeeded with traditional German legal rights common law - to merge Roman law into a unit that corresponded to the needs of its time. In terms of legal solutions as well as language and style, this new version of the Freiburg city law from 1520 is considered a legislative masterpiece. The Freiburg city law became the model for numerous new versions of city and land rights in Switzerland and southwest Germany , for example for the Solms land law .

Freiburg i. Br. Remained with this exemplary town charter, although it belonged to Austria until 1806 , a suburb of the Zähringen town law circle , owned an upper court and was a stronghold of humanistic jurisprudence . The law faculty of his university also benefited from this exemplary city law.


Individual evidence

  1. Sturm, Col. 1613.

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