Free high school Hanover

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Free high school Hanover
Free High School Hannover.jpg
type of school high school
founding 1999

Prinz-Albrecht-Ring 59 and 61, 30657 Hanover (Bothfeld)

place Hanover
country Lower Saxony
Country Germany
Coordinates 52 ° 24 '53 "  N , 9 ° 47' 27"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 24 '53 "  N , 9 ° 47' 27"  E
student about 180

The Free Gymnasium Hannover in Hannover is a state-recognized substitute school for students in grades 5 to 12.


The school is located in a former barracks of the Bundeswehr in the Hanover district of Bothfeld . In the immediate vicinity and also in the buildings of the former barracks are the new schools, Free Evangelical School Hanover and Workshop School Hanover .


The Freie Gymnasium was the first freelance, non-church-sponsored grammar school in Hanover. The school was founded in 1999 with a first seventh class, who passed the Abitur in 2005 . Since August 2013 there has also been the FGH primary school for grades 1-4, in which the pupils are taught in cross-grades according to Montessori pedagogy .


Even before the orientation level was officially abolished in Lower Saxony, the Freie Gymnasium was allowed to accept grades five and six in 2003. Thus, the Free Gymnasium now has nine individual year classes with a total of around 180 students. The average number of students is 24 students per class. The school facility is an all-day school. School fees are charged for the visit depending on the income .

In the various standard performance tests, most recently in the central high school diploma and in the mathematics comparison test in grade eight in 2008, the Freie Gymnasium performed above average.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the primary school FGH. Retrieved September 9, 2019 .