Freedom Party of South Tyrol

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The Freedom Party of South Tyrol (FPS) was a short-lived South Tyrolean party that was active in the 1980s .


The FPS emerged in 1987 from the right-wing conservative party of the independents , which was represented by Gerold Meraner in the South Tyrolean state parliament and thus at the same time in the regional council of Trentino-South Tyrol . In the state elections in 1988 , the party managed to win a mandate for Meraner. In 1989 the FPS was part of the Union for South Tyrol .

The Freedom Party , founded in 1992 , did not emerge directly from the FPS, but Meraner later referred to it as the successor to his first Freedom Party in terms of content .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günther Pallaver : The historical development of the political parties in South Tyrol . In: Giuseppe Ferrandi, Günther Pallaver (ed.), La Regione Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol nel XX secolo. I. Politica e Istituzioni (Borders / Confini 4/1) . Trento, Museo Storico in Trento, pp. 591–630.
  2. Oswald Angerer: The freedom of South Tyrol. Origin, program, organizational structure, acceptance. With special consideration of their cooperation with the Freedom Party of Austria and their position on the South Tyrol issue. Diploma thesis, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck 2000, p. 39.