Frieda Fischer (painter)

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Frieda Fischer (née Liebig; * 1886 in Lessen , Graudenz district ; † 1966 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a German painter.


Liebig was the daughter of a pharmacist and a pastor's daughter. At the age of 19 she drew attention to herself as a singer. A newspaper report dated December 5, 1905 said:

"In the first Advent concert in the Three Kings Church we got to know a new singer in Miss Frieda Liebig [...] Your training is not yet finished, but the lecture of the young singer suggests that the future is very positive"

Parallel to her singing lessons, she studied painting in the Gabel studio in Elbing . The first paintings were created here.

In 1908 Frieda Liebig married the Kleve- born customs officer Max Fischer, whom she followed from 1910 to 1914 to his place of employment on the Russian-German border in Paaschken in the Memel district . After the First World War they moved to Kassel , later to Flensburg and in 1937 to Heidelberg , from where they built a house as a retirement home in Neckargemünd after her husband's retirement.

During her travels to Heligoland and South Tyrol , many photo documents were created, mostly in small format and mainly executed as watercolor . The main works, however, were pictures from East Prussia , landscapes on the Baltic Sea , thatched-roof farmhouses from the Memelland and cityscapes such as Elbing.

A few months before her death, she dissolved her residence in Germany and moved in with her son, who was born in Kassel in 1921 and who has since emigrated to Brazil .



  • Sunrise over the Baltic Sea near Sopot , 1907
  • Grobst farm in Paaschken , 1912


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Angelika Fischer: Pictures of my East Prussian grandmother. In: Ostpreußenblatt . No. 19, May 13, 2006 (PDF, )