Peace of Belgrade

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The Peace of Belgrade of September 18, 1739 ended the 7th Russian-Austrian Turkish War (also called 4th Russian Turkish War and 7th Austrian Turkish War ).

Austria lost most of its acquisitions from the Peace of Passarowitz of July 21, 1718 to the Ottoman Empire . He was only left with the Temesvar Banat , while Little Wallachia (in present-day Romania ) and the Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia with Belgrade and a border strip in northern Bosnia were lost. The Ottoman chronicler Ebu Sehil Nu'man Efendi reported on the work of the Austrian - Ottoman border separation commission in his work Tedbîrât-i Pesendîde (Eng. "Excellent Measures").

Due to Austria's departure from the war and an alliance between the Ottoman Empire and Sweden , Russia , which previously fought successfully against the Turks, had to conclude a peace treaty with the Ottomans that reversed most of the Russian conquests.


  • Edgar Hösch , Karl Nehring, Holm Sundhaussen: Lexicon on the history of Southeast Europe . Böhlau Verlag, Vienna, Cologne, Weimar 2004 (p. 703/704)