Friederika Richter

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Friederika Richter (approx. 1993)

Friederika Richter (born March 11, 1931 in Alma-Ata , Soviet Union ) is an Austrian painter whose synaesthetic disposition led to a special form of painting, a music painting that she calls "visual music" or "sounding painting".


Her father was working with an Austrian group of experts on the irrigation of cotton plantations in Kazakhstan when she was born. So she grew up bilingual. After completing school in Linz , Upper Austria, she combined training as a tourist guide with studying art history in Vienna. Her artistic training was shaped by Professor Herbert Stepan in watercolor and portrait painting and by Professor Yu Feng in Chinese ink painting. In 1983 she worked as a freelancer at the Federal Ministry of Science in Vienna. The focus of her activity was the presentation of small exhibitions in cooperation with the federal museums and the Chamber of Labor.


Sounding painting - visual music

  • Tchaikovsky's piano work “ The Seasons ” in watercolors on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death. Exhibition for the 1st who's who club meeting in 1993 in Vienna. - The watercolors were taken for the "Who-is-Who-Calendar 1994".
  • Realization of the symphonic poem by Richard Strauss in the picture cycle " Till Eulenspiegel in Vienna ". - Presentation: Hobokensaal of the Albertina in Vienna, 1994 and 1995 at the Richard Strauss Days in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. - The exhibition was described as “the most important event of this year's Richard Strauss Days” “because it was the most original, most creative contribution, but it was only a marginally perceived event. The merit of the painter is to have implemented the sound world of a symphonic work in continuation of Welleck's synaesthetics in adequate watercolor pictures. "
  • " Der Rosenkavalier " by Richard Strauss. - Free interpretation based on the text of the "Critical Edition" by Dirk O. Hoffmann and Willi Schuh, S.Fischer-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1986 and a copy of the original recording by the Bavarian Symphony Orchestra conducted by Richard Strauss in 1942. From 113 33 adequate watercolors were combined into a cycle based on the drawings and studies. Music, text and images with a spoken introduction represent a symbiosis. This cycle was presented for the first time in 1993 in the Palais Auersperg in Vienna, in the “Rosenkavalier Hall”. Now online: Reverence for the centenary of the opera.
  • " An Alpine Symphony " by Richard Strauss. First exhibition for the “Richard Strauss Days” in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 1996 and at the Vienna Musikverein in 1998 on the occasion of the EU concert. A video film in computer animation was funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs for schools in visual, philosophical and music classes. DVD.
  • " Swan song " after Franz Schubert. 1997. Exhibition and presentation at the “Bad Uracher Music Days”. Free interpretation of Franz Schubert's “Last Songs”. “Floating lightness with snapshots of people, nature and the city. Ms. Richter's art can be classified as aesthetic virtuoso. ”Review from the“ Bad Uracher Zeitung ”.
  • Mussorgsky " Pictures at an Exhibition ". Presentation at Palais Rasumofskij in Vienna, December 2000. The picture cycle was shown for the first time on handmade paper, the structure of which had to have certain shades of color without hindering creativity.
  • Dance-like Eros ” on the 120th anniversary of Fanny Elßler's death. Chalk drawings and watercolors from ballet scenes in the District Museum Vienna-Josefstadt.
  • Classical-Ballett ” a multi-media show, 2006. Chalk on black paper. Ballet scenes from Swan Lake, Eugen Onegin, Giselle and Nutcracker by Tschaikowskij in the Habig foyer, Bösendorfer piano factory, Vienna. DVD.
  • " The First Silent Night ". Illustrations for the film of the same name for BBC-London and ORF-Vienna. 1998. DVD.
  • " Traces of my life ". Exhibition in Gloggnitz Castle, Lower Austria. A cross-section from the artistic oeuvre and many years of work, with a focus on the in-depth study of composition and the fine arts.
  • " The Last Judgment ". After Rainer Maria Rilke. Picture cycle in 28 watercolors with ink painting. Photographed and with background music from Heinrich Holst's planetary cycle Mars . Spoken text by Mag. Thomas Jahn. Video editing by Black Lion - Walter Zlataric


  • A Viennese palace tells a story - the Rosenkavalier-Palais Auersperg in Vienna . With watercolors. Böhlau publishing house. Vienna 1999 ISBN 3-205-99093-5
  • Berta Camilla Sara from Hartlieb. An extraordinary Viennese Jew and Vladimir von Hartlieb. With ink brush drawings. Hartung-Gorre-Verlag. Constance 2006 ISBN 3-86628-057-2
  • Do your game. Basis for a script with 12 watercolors by the protagonists. Book Fair Vienna 10th Berger-Verlag. Horn 2010 ISBN 978-3-85028-505-6


  • "To the Rosenkavalier: like heavenly roses". In: Richard-Strauss-Blätter . Issue 35 v. June 1996, pp. 86-87.

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