Friedrich Brentel (II.)

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Friedrich Brentel (* around 1606 probably in Burglengenfeld ; † 1636 in Bayreuth ) was a painter in Franconia . He was the younger son of the painter Elias Brentel and a brother of the painter Hans Friedrich Brentel (II.) .


Friedrich Brentel was the younger son of his father Elias and his first wife Veronica. He learned the painting trade from his father. In contrast to his older brother, he worked exclusively as a painter and probably only together with his father. On August 11, 1628, in Bayreuth, he married Maria Volkh, the widow of the "giant servant" (soldier) Wolf Wilhelm Volkh. From 1632 he painted the church of St. Bartholomew in Mistelbach with his father Elias .

Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 298
  2. ^ Gerhard Schön: Münz- und Geldgeschichte ... , p. 126
  3. ^ Herbert Klug: Evang.-Luth. Parish Church of St. Bartholomew Mistelbach , p. 15
