Friedrich Ernst zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg

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Friedrich Ernst Count zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (* July 5, 1837 at Saunertz Castle, Kurhessen ; † April 6, 1915 in Meran ) was a German count from the house of Sayn-Wittgenstein and opera composer.


Friedrich Ernst was born on July 5, 1837, the son of Count Ludwig Joseph zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (1784-1857) and his wife Pauline Countess von Degenfeld-Schonburg (1803-1861). The mother Pauline was the daughter of the Imperial and Royal Austrian Major General and Maria Theresa knight Friedrich Christoph Count von Degenfeld-Schonburg.

As an Austrian officer, Friedrich Ernst took part in the campaigns in Italy in 1859 and in Schleswig-Holstein in 1864 , developed his musical talent (under Julius Rietz in Leipzig) and left military service in 1865. Among his compositions known under the name of Friedrich Ernst Wittgenstein, besides numerous songs (since 1865), are the choral works: "Scenes from the Fritjofsage" (Darmstadt 1874) and the operas: "Die Welfenbraut" (Graz 1879) and "Antonius und Cleopatra" (das. 1883) to be emphasized.


Friedrich Ernst married Baroness Therese Zessner von Spitzenberg on 1861 in Dobrichan (born January 9, 1841 - June 1, 1887), a daughter of Vincenz Baron Zessner von Spitzenberg and Therese de Longueval Countess Bucquoy . The couple had the following children:

  • Ludwig Vincenz (1864–1936)
  • Pauline (1865–1866)
  • Karoline (1867-1945)
  • Maria (1868–1944)
  • Henriette (1870–1904)
  • Sophie (1872–1957)
  • Andreas (1873-1886)
  • Anna (1875-1956)
  • Ottokar (1878-1914)
  • Felix (1879-1946)
  • Viktor (1881-1945)
  • Friedrich Alard (1884–1904)



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon , Volume 17. Leipzig 1909, p. 655.