Friedrich Gruening

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Friedrich Grüning (born August 21, 1768 in Husum , † November 23, 1842 in Hamburg ) was a German educator and author.


Friedrich Grüning was a son of the teacher Andreas Joachim Grüning, who died in Altona in 1799. Andreas Grüning (1756-1821), who also became a teacher, was his older brother.

Since June 19, 1797 he was a city school teacher in Altona and at the same time head of an educational institution ( pension institution ) in Altona. He was a member of the Patriotic Society in Hamburg.

He was married to Eleonore Christiane, b. Forsmann. One of the couple's sons was the pastor, teacher and poet Eduard Friedrich Grüning (1804 – after 1870).


  • Rules for practicing fine writing.
  • 22 neatly engraved letters in copper for Christmas and New Year wishes for children. as well as texts about the same .


  • Detlev Lorenz Lübker, Hans Schröder : Lexicon of Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1796 to 1828. 1. Dept. A – M, Verlag K. Aue, Altona, 1829, p. 198, no. 409
  • Hans Schröder: Friedrich Grüning , in: New Nekrolog der Deutschen. 20 / II (1842), Ilmenau: Voigt 1844, p. 810f, no.294
  • Eduard Alberti : Lexicon of Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1829 to mid-1866. 1. Dept. A – L, Akademische Buchhdlg., Kiel, 1867, ( digitized ), p. 276, no. 640

Individual evidence

  1. According to Nekrolog (Lit.)
  2. ^ Eduard Alberti : Lexicon of Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1829 to mid-1866. 1. Dept. AL, Akademische Buchhdlg., Kiel, 1867, ( digitized ), p. 276, no. 639