Friedrich Grebe

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Georg Friedrich Carl Grebe (born January 1, 1873 in Neuhof ; † November 26, 1931 in Berlin ) was a German teacher and politician ( center ).


Grebe first attended elementary school and from 1886 to 1895 the Josephinum Hildesheim grammar school . With an excellent degree he studied philology from 1895 to 1899 at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster . There he joined the Catholic student fraternity "Unitas". He then worked as a teacher at the grammar schools in Leer , from 1900 in Meppen and from 1902 in Lingen . In 1904 he took up a position as a high school teacher in Osnabrück and was appointed professor.

Grebe joined the Catholic Center Party and, from 1907, took a leading position in a modern party organization in the Osnabrück region. When, after the revolution of 1918, a new party organization was created in the Prussian state electoral district of Osnabrück-Oldenburg-Ostfriesland in December 1918, he was elected constituency chairman. He was a member of the Prussian state assembly from 1919 to 1921 and was then elected to the Prussian state parliament, to which he belonged until his death in 1931. Grebe soon became one of the party's most important press workers. He wrote for a large number of press organs, especially for the Hanoverian center newspapers, for the "Kölnische Volkszeitung", for the Berlin center organ "Germania" and for the "Allgemeine Rundschau". He wrote numerous programmatic articles on political issues, for example in the run-up to the formation of governments or important domestic political decisions. This gave him the reputation of being the unofficial spokesman for the Center Executive Committee and thus exerted a great influence on the political discussion within the party. After the age-related resignation of Hildesheim Judicial Councilor Joseph Förster as chairman of the Center Party in the province of Hanover, the previous 2nd chairman Grebe held this office from November 1925 until his death, whereby he was a member of the state committee, i.e. the board of the Prussian Center Party, as early as 1920 had become. In 1925 he was a delegate of the Province of Hanover at the 4th Center Party Congress in Kassel. The immensely hardworking Grebe, who was involved in many parliamentary committees, had been an assessor on the Reichsparteiaommitte of the Center Party, i.e. the executive committee of the Center Party at the Reich level, since November 1924. In 1930 he was elected as a member of the newly created executive board of the Prussian Center, the party's governing body at state level.

Fonts (selection)

  • The plans for a division of Prussia. (Central Policy in Prussia, Volume 2), Berlin 1919.
  • Unified state or federal building of the empire? (Pamphlets of the General Secretariat of the local student groups of the German Center Party No. 2), Berlin (1920).
  • Center and Government (Center Politics in Prussia, Group: Time Issues, No. 1a), Berlin 1920 (2. A. Osnabrück 1920).
  • Reich und Länder (Central Politics in Prussia, Group: Time Issues, No. 2 a), Berlin 1920.
  • The Center and the Educated (Center Politics in Prussia, Group: Zeitfragen, No. 6), Berlin 1920.
  • Center and Agriculture (Center Policy in Prussia, Group: Time Issues, No. 8), (Berlin 1920).
  • The Center as a Christian People's Party (Center Politics in Prussia, Group: Time Issues, No. 16), Berlin 1920.
  • Are we national? (Series of publications by the Reichsverband der Deutschen Windthorstbunde, publication No. 2), Berlin 1921.
  • Center and the German National Catholics (pamphlet of the German Center Party), Berlin 1924.


  • Herrmann AL Degener : Who is it? Volume 9, Leipzig 1928, p. 522.
  • Beatrix Herlemann , Helga Schatz: Biographical Lexicon of Lower Saxony Parliamentarians 1919–1945 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen. Volume 222). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hanover 2004, ISBN 3-7752-6022-6 , pp. 128–129.
  • Helmut Lensing : Grebe, Friedrich. In: Study Society for Emsland Regional History (Ed.): Emsland History. Volume 7, Dohren 1998, pp. 133-136.
  • Rudolf Morsey : The German Center Party 1917–1923. (= Contributions to the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Volume 32). Droste, Düsseldorf 1966, DNB 457636858 , pp. 80, 88, 187, 214, 220, 344, 355,356, 358, 426,427, 554.