Friedrich Ludwig von Scampar

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Friedrich Ludwig von Scampar (born April 19, 1723 in Bonn ; † April 18, 1783 ) was a canon in Cologne .

Coming from a family of royal Cologne court officials, he was canon at St. Kunibert in Cologne, where he was also provost , and also canon at St. Aposteln in Cologne. His admission to the Cologne Cathedral Chapter on December 19, 1760, was undoubtedly due to the intercession of the Archbishop-Elector Clemens August I of Bavaria , whose journey he had been chaplain .

See also


  • Johan Belonje: Three letters from a Cologne canon. In: Yearbook of the Cologne History Association , Volume 48, Issue 1 (1977) pp. 218-230, ISSN  2198-0675 (online), ISSN  0341-9320 (print), DOI: 10.7788 / jbkgv.1977.48.1.218 .
  • Max Braubach : Cologne canons in the 18th century. In: Robert Haaß, Joseph Hoster (ed.): On the history and art in the Archdiocese of Cologne. Festschrift for Wilhelm Neuss. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1960, pp. 233-258.