Friedrich Maczewski

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Friedrich Christoph von Maczewski (born February 10, 1791 in Wahlen, Courland ; † October 4, 1863 in Mitau ) was a jurist and composer from Courland.


Friedrich Maczewski was born as the son of the clergyman and Latvian writer Friedrich Gustav Maczewski . He began studying law at the University of Heidelberg, where he became a member of the Corps Curonia in 1809 . From 1810 to 1812 he continued his studies in Leipzig and finished it in 1813 at the University of Dorpat. From 1813 to 1815 he was auscultant, from 1815 to 1831 secretary and from 1831 to 1863 governorate tax of the Courland Higher Court in Mitau.

Friedrich Maczewski was the conductor of the Mitauer Liedertafel, which he co-founded. He composed various songs and other musical works and published musicological essays. His children were Amadeus von Maczewski, music director in Kaiserslautern, and the pianist Concordia von Maczewski.


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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 111 , 23
  2. ^ Karl-Otto Schlau : Mitau in the 19th century. Life and work of the mayor Franz von Zuccalmaglio (1800–1873) . Hirschheydt, Wedemark-Elze 1995, ISBN 3-7777-0006-1 .