Friedrich Nolte

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Friedrich Nolte (born July 29, 1887 in Harpen , † April 1, 1955 ) was mining captain of the Dortmund Oberbergamt .


Before Friedrich Nolte completed his studies at the Universities of Munich and Berlin , he first did an internship at the Dortmund Oberbergamt. After the two state examinations, he took up the position of mountain assessor on June 18, 1910 . He was employed by Concordia Bergbau AG in Oberhausen when he had to do military service in 1914 . After the war he found employment as a mountain district inspector in Wattenscheid and later in various mountain regions . In 1930 Nolte came back to the Dortmund Oberbergamt, was promoted to the Oberbergrat and in the following year took the position of the Dortmund Police Department. In 1933 he was the permanent deputy of the mining captain Dortmund as the chief mining authority. In 1936 he was initially employed as a mining captain in Breslau , on June 25, 1940, he was given the position of mining captain in Dortmund and remained in this position until his retirement at the end of 1949.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918-1945 / 46). Biographisches Handbuch, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2004, p. 229, ISBN 978-3-402-06799-4 .

Web links

  • Friedrich Nolte Short biography on the Internet portal "Westphalian History"