Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus

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Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus (born September 13, 1839 in Dortmund ; † March 5, 1936 there ) was a German printer , entrepreneur and publisher .


Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus founded a paper wholesaler and business book factory in his parents' house in Dortmund in 1866. From this one of the leading printing companies in Germany developed in the period up to the Second World War. From 1878, Ruhfus was involved in outdoor advertising. Following the example of the Berlin book printer Ernst Litfaß , Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus signed a contract with the city of Dortmund for the installation of poster pillars.

In 1890 Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus founded the Dortmunder General-Anzeiger , which was the largest German daily newspaper outside of Berlin before the Second World War.

From 1884 to 1915 he was a city councilor. From 1900 to 1905 he was deputy chairman and from 1905 to 1915 chairman of the city council.


  • Albert Tenbergen: The General-Anzeiger-Presse in Dortmund. Development and history . Popping house, Bochum-Langendreer 1937.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Albert Tenbergen: The General-Anzeiger press in Dortmund. Development and history . Poppinghaus, Bochum-Langendreer 1937, p. 151.
  2. ^ Maria Kühn-Ludewig: Inventory of the Hille autographs. In: Hans-Christian Müller (Ed.): “I don't have a program, the world doesn't have one either”. For the 125th birthday of the poet Peter Hille. Dortmund City and State Library, Dortmund 1979, pp. 34–85, here p. 71.
  3. Entry in the commercial register of the Royal District Court of Dortmund. In: Königlich Preußischer Staats-Anzeiger , Jg. 1866, Vol. 1: January - June , p. 366.
  4. a b Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus , PDF file