Fritz Ebner (paleontologist)

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Fritz Ebner (born July 27, 1946 in Graz ) is an Austrian paleontologist and geologist .


Fritz Ebner was in 1971 at the University of Graz Dr. phil. PhD in paleontology and habilitation there in 1978 in micropalaeontology and stratigraphy . From 1972 to 1986 he worked as a research assistant at the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz in the department for geology, paleontology and mining . In 1986 he became an associate professor at the Institute for Geosciences at the Montan University Leoben .

Ebner conducts research in the fields of paleontology and stratigraphy , among other things .

He was awarded the Theodor Körner Prize .

Publications (selection)

  • The conodont fauna of the Devonian / Carboniferous border area at Elferspitz (Carnic Alps, Austria). In: Mitt. Abt. Geol., Paläont. u. Mining, Landesmuseum Joanneum, 33, 1973, pp. 35–49.
  • The Paleozoic of the Elferspitz (Ashgill to Lower Carboniferous; Carnic Alps Austria) . In: Negotiations of the Federal Geological Institute 1973, pp. 155–293 ( PDF (1.5 MB) on ZOBODAT ).


Individual evidence

  1. The Alpine Garden. Volume 17/2 ( PDF (198 kB) on ZOBODAT ).