Fritz Ehrhoff

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Fritz Ehrhoff (born July 22, 1910 in Wolfenbüttel ; † July 9, 1984 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ).


Ehrhoff attended elementary school and later switched to grammar school and the municipal upper secondary school. In 1931 he was employed as a volunteer at the general local health insurance fund in Wolfenbüttel / Schöppenstedt. In the course of the National Socialist “ seizure of power ” in 1933, he was dismissed from his position at the end of the year as “politically unreliable”. It was not until the beginning of 1935 that he found a new job, as an administrative clerk in the private medical clearing house (PVS) Wolfenbüttel. He was employed here until he was called up for military service in 1939. In 1937 he joined the SA , from which he left in May 1939 when he joined the Wehrmacht . He became a prisoner of war and after his release in 1946 he started again with the general local health insurance fund Wolfenbüttel.

Ehrhoff was active in the socialist youth movement since 1926. He joined the SPD in 1930 and in 1948 became district chairman of the Socialist Youth of Germany - Die Falken in the Braunschweig district . Ehrhoff was both a city council and from 1952 a member of the district council in Wolfenbüttel.

Ehrhoff was elected to the Lower Saxony state parliament from May 6, 1951 to April 14, 1958 in the second and third electoral terms.


  • Stephan A. Glienke: The Nazi past of a later member of the Lower Saxony state parliament . Final report on a project of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen on behalf of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Published by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Revised reprint of the first edition. Hannover 2012, p. 52f ( online as PDF) .
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 84.